It's a pretty solid list. I played a 500 point game against a similar all mounted Rohan force last night, that did a good job of keeping it's distance and shooting against my Isengard force of Vrasku, Shaman, X-Bows, Berserkers, Ferals. Then the Rohirrim charged in after I'd been thinned out a bit. It was a very tough force to play against.
If you are looking for some room to upgrade a few models to Sons of Eorl, replace one of your heroes (NOT Erkenbrand) with Eowyn. She's cheaper, and while she's not a combat monster, she's got 2 points of might, which are useful, as you need to declare a lot of heroic moves with this force, to keep up your charge bonuses when you finally do make the cavalry charge. And she's F5, so even with 1 att, she's decent on the charge. Or downgrade Eomer to his Marshall of the Riddermark profile, which is still solid, but fewer points.
Also, even a couple of Rohan outriders are helpful, as they can grab objectives late game with good mobility and the fact that they benefit from a hero's stand fast, regardless of distance from the hero.