The One Ring

400p Grey Company list
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Author:  Sephalo [ Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  400p Grey Company list

What do you guys think of this new list? (With the new rules taken into account)

It's pretty straight forward. I'm mainly wondering if I should include Arathorn or go with 2 Rangers of the North (mounted) instead.

(ps: I can't add spears to the other 2 Rangers of the North instead of the foot troops simply because I don't want to change the models. ;))

Warband 1:
Halbarad (spear/horse)
6 rangers with spear
6 rangers

Warband 2:
Ranger of the North (spear/horse)
3 rangers with spear
3 rangers

Warband 3:
Ranger of the North (horse)
3 rangers with spear
3 rangers

Warband 4:
Ranger of the North (horse)
2 rangers with spear
1 ranger

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 400p Grey Company list

I'd drop one of your RotN and run Arathorn, then fill up his war band with rangers. Arathorn not only provides 3A, he also grants 3 might to your force which RotN lack.

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