The One Ring

500 points Gondor.
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Author:  MacCollac [ Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  500 points Gondor.

So what do you guys think?

Warband 1: Beregond w/ horse

- 6 citadel guards w/ spear + longbow +horse
- 4 knights of MT w/ shield
- 1 knight of MT w/ shield + banner

Warband 2: Denethor

- 6 Warriors of MT w/ shield + spear
- 6 Guard of the Fountain w/ shield

Warband 3: Damrod

- 6 Warriors of MT w/ shield
- 6 Rangers w/ spear

500 Points, 38 models, 2 might.

For me the only downfall is the 2 might, but this is encountered with decent units and 38 models at 500 points. The reason why I gave the second warband also spears is due too Fountain Guards having higher defense. However, it always feels awkward too place them in the front since they have spears. Curious to see what you guys think!

Author:  Dikey [ Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500 points Gondor.

It's good. However, having the Cavalry Leader with only 1 point of might will leave you exposed to the bad dice rolls

Author:  bruceqn [ Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500 points Gondor.

Dikey wrote:
It's good. However, having the Cavalry Leader with only 1 point of might will leave you exposed to the bad dice rolls

So true. I suggest dropping banner and citidel spears.

Farimir Armoured Horse, Heavy Armour, Shield, Lance (only 100 pts!)
6 Citidel Mtd w/ Long Bows
4 Knights w/ Shield

Beregond Mtd
6 MT Shield
4 Mt Spear
2 Ranger Bow & Spear

6 MT Shield
6 MT Spear

Author:  MacCollac [ Sat Aug 12, 2017 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500 points Gondor.

True! Having a cavalry leader with only 1 might is indeed pretty risky. Will see what I can make with Faramir.

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