The One Ring

500pts With Current Models? (Evil / Isengard / Moria)
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Author:  MachinaMandala [ Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  500pts With Current Models? (Evil / Isengard / Moria)

Picking up half of these tomorrow and waiting for some others to arrive in the post.

Help me build an effective list with what I've got so far:

Isengard Captain
Durbuz, Goblin King
The Goblin King
The Goblin Scribe
Moria Goblin Captain

16 Uruk Hai Pikes
16 Uruk Hai Swords & Shields
16 Uruk Hai Scouts
16 Moria Goblins w/ Bows
16 Moria Goblins w/ Spears
16 Moria Goblins w/ Swords and Shields
36 Goblin Warriors

Any ideas on what to paint / base first?

Author:  Dikey [ Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pts With Current Models? (Evil / Isengard / Moria)

I'd go with a classic, straightforward, goblin horde using all the goblins aside from those with bows.

Author:  Hodush [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pts With Current Models? (Evil / Isengard / Moria)

What did you get.
I'd go for the goblins also.

You have an effective list with the Isnegard stuff, might just want to add a shaman or another hero.
Moria also needs a shaman and eventually some monsters like a troll.
I think goblin town would take a lot more investment.

Author:  polywags [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500pts With Current Models? (Evil / Isengard / Moria)


Isengard is a super tough and nasty army too but you'll need to pick up some more stuff like crossbows, berserkers, Vrasku, Saruam grima, ect to get up to snuff where as it looks like you've got all the makings for Goblin town good to go.
You could also get some moria stuff and ally it in but the Goblin king and the scribe and super good and of course from there all you have to do is fill out your points with a ton of goblins, probably around 36 lol.

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