The One Ring

The Argument for Dernhelm
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Author:  Grumio2014 [ Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  The Argument for Dernhelm

Hi all,
With the incoming release of Dernhelm (the Eowyn+Merry model from Gondor at War), just wanted to get your thoughts on Dernhelm's place in a Rohan list.

Would you ever take her over Deorwine's free Heroic combats or even Elfheim's pinpoint throwing spears? For me at least, Dernhelm's Strength of 3 is a bit of a blow - though perhaps the extra attack could make up for it? Unsure. The fact that she is a Minor Hero as opposed to a Hero of Fortitude is less of a negative, given that Rohan Lists (with the Rohan meta of Theoden, Gamling with Banner, smattering of heroes) don't generally max out on Riders.

This is all for a list under the Legendary Legion for Theoden's Riders.

Author:  Tanksie [ Sat Apr 20, 2019 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Argument for Dernhelm

Dernhelm can be an independant hero, and she's S4 on the charge. She has strike and strength, which Elfhelm doesn't have access to, and is fight 5 unlike Elfhelm. Deorwines free heroic combats can only be used to join theoden which means they're far less tactically flexible.

Those are the things you have to consider I guess. Deorwine seems the best of the bunch.

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