I'm going to have't step in here to defend Hurin the Tall.
Aldaron wrote:
The second reason to take Hurin, is his melee strength by wielding his bihanded sword - which you can't use on horseback.
Why can't you use a two-handed sword while mounted? I checked the two-handed entry, the master forged entry, Hurin's profile, and the cavalry in combat entry but could not find a rule restricting it. I know that it wasn't possible in old editions but they restriction seems to have been removed. Did I miss something?
With the master forged sword active, Hurin is the best bruiser Minas Tirith has outside it's two main heroes (Boromir and Aragorn). He makes a solid secondary threat to both infantry and heroes below 1000pts. I looked at him and figured Faramir was just obsolete since Hurin does his job better.
Assuming the two-handed can't be used mounted, I would still argue in support of Hurin being used on foot to support an infantry formation. He can oppose monsters and most of the evil and human heroes (stuff Boromir isn't fighting) way better than a the regular or named captains.
If you are building a list for Minas Tirith at 600-800pts, I don't see why one wouldn't want to include him.