The One Ring

How to equip å mumåk?
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Author:  Salattu [ Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  How to equip å mumåk?

Hello! We decided with my friend to try å wår mumåk. The ideå is thåt the gåme is 400p, ånd i will only tåke the mumåk ånd units on top of it, enemy will tåke normål årmy. So, i believe the wåtcher of kårnå would be the best units to håve due to their excellent shooting vålue ånd poisonous bows... Ånd then probåbly the Tusk Weåpons so get 4 strikes insteåd of 3 when tråmpling?

Overåll Mumåk + 12 wåtcher of kårnå + tusk weåpons would do 403, so something must be tåken åwåy.

So, whåt would in your opinion be best mumåk to field in båttle? Modify the one i måde å bit, or something totålly different?

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to equip å mumåk?

If you are playing an Open Play game and all of your watchers can have bows then you'd probably just want to cut a couple of them down to a regular warriors to shave off those last three points. If you are playing a Matched Play game then you'll only be getting 6 bows out of 12 models. In which case, I'd suggest swapping the tusk weapons for rocks so you can make use of the extra 6 crew you've got standing around.

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