The One Ring

W:Ringwraiths, mordor stuff H: WHFB 40k
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Author:  Carlos Spicyweiner [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  W:Ringwraiths, mordor stuff H: WHFB 40k

Hi all, i'm looking for the following on foot and/or mounted:

Khamûl The Easterling
The Undying
The Knight of Umbar
2x Fell beasts (also looking for a plastic rider with reins if you have one spare from building the witch king)
mini rulebook from MOM

lesser wants:
Spectres (especially the elf one)
Trackers (on or off warg)
Wild wargs with chieftan
Castellans of Dol Guldur

to trade i have several armies that i would be willing to go into including space marines, skaven, empire, wood elves, warriors of chaos, daemons of chaos and have a plethora of other models (CSM, Necrons, Beastmen, etc) ask and you may get lucky :D
trades only within the UK please, if you could let me know the condition of the models that would be great, i dont mind if the models are built or painted as long as they are not ruined by glue or paint etc

thanks for reading

Author:  Carlos Spicyweiner [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: W:Ringwraiths, mordor stuff H: WHFB 40k

2 trades down and wants updated

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