The One Ring

WTT: Nazgul/wood elves for Khazad-Guard (Updated)
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Author:  Osse [ Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  WTT: Nazgul/wood elves for Khazad-Guard (Updated)

Trade Form

Country: New Zealand

I have:
    * 9 METAL Ringwraiths from the OOP box set, painted and based
    * Mounted metal Ringwraith
    * 5 oop metal wood elf archers
    * Metal Haldirs unarmoured with sword
    * 3 Hobbit archers
    * Pippin, Guard of the Citadel
    * OOP Easterling Captain and Banner, unpainted

And I would like:
    * Khazad-Guard
    * Anything from the new Hobbit range

Thanks guys. First post, hope it was in line with requirements.

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