I thought I would make a new thread to try and get some priority minis of mine.
I am located in Maryland USA
viewtopic.php?f=82&t=28834 Completed Trades
Ja333 x2
Alatar of Rhun
Gene Parmesan (almost done

as well as Kurtesh1 x5 and Dassarri x2 at the Last Alliance
I have:
1 Scourging of the Shire OOP (sealed metal box)
Kardush the Firecaller OOP (sealed metal blister)
Bare Metal OOP Saruman and Grima
1 metal uruk-hai Captain and 1 Metal Uruk Hai Banner Bearer (painted well)
1 Isenguard Troll Assembled
108 Uruk-Hai Warriors (25 painted well)
2 Uruk-Hai Banner Bearer Conversions
2 Bare Metal OOP Uruk-Hai Beserkers
47 Mordor Orcs (8 assembled but unpainted, 21 on spruces, 18 painted well)
I would like:
Warhammer Historical Supplement, Siege and Conquest
Haldirs Elves
Erkenbrand foot and mounted
Rohan Royal Guards (foot and mounted)
Galadhrim Captains (metal)
Dwarf, Kings Champion and Heralds
Serpent Guard on foot
Theodred on foot
Rohan Captains and Banner Bearers foot and mounted (metal)
Easterling Commanders (metal)
Guards of the Galadhrim Court (metal)
Khazad Guard
Iron Guard (metal)
Vault Wardens (metal)
Dwarf Ballista (metal)
Amdûr, Lord of Blades
Dwarf Warriors
Lower Priority
Serpent Riders
The Betrayer
Watchers of Karna
War Mumak of Harad
Khamûl The Easterling
Easterling War Priest
Easterling Dragon Knights
Metal Ents
Dwarf Hornblower and Shield Bearers
Dunedain of the North
Rangers of the North
Faramr's Rangers
Armoured Glorfindel
Glorfinder foot and mounted
Saruman the White (White Council)
Galadriel Protectress of Lothlorien
Cirdan the Shipwright
Rohan Outriders
Sons Of Eorl
Grimbold's Helmingas Command
Harad Banner Bearer
Kings Huntsman
Khandish Horsemen
The HobbitHigher Priority
Radagast the Brown with Sebastian
Great Eagles
Beorn™ & Bear
Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm
Legolas Greenlea, Prince of Mirkwood
Captain of Erebor
Elrond Armoured (on foot)
Lindir of Rivendell
Lower Priority
Grim Hammers Captain
Palace Guards
Riddles in the Dark
Radagast™ the Brown on Sleigh
Warriors of Erebor
Palace Guards Captains
The Champions of Erebor
Bard the Bowman, Girion Lord of Dale’s Heir
OtherReturn of the King and The Two Towers Dice Packs
Harad Book
Fall of the Necomancer Book
The Ruin of Arnor Book
Desolation of Smaug Book
Two Towers and Return of the King Journey Books
Thanks for looking!
Pictures available on request