The One Ring

LOTBR's trading 6/14 updated many haves
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  LOTBR's trading 6/14 updated many haves

Bold priority Looking for:

-ALL hobbit models that are basic infantry
-Bandobras Took
-Paladin Took
-Meriadoc and Peregrin Mtd

-Knights if Riv
-Guards of the Court

-Isildur Mtd

-Cave Drake

-Warg Marauder
-Witch King with flaming sword

-Azog ANY

- Any OOP rare metal like serpent guard, arbalesters, etc

Aragorn the King new mtd and ft
Boromir Cap of Gondor with flag new and painted. Also one with sword and shield on foot.
-Beregond either painted stripped or primed not sure which left
-Faramir(the source book pose on horse)
-Minas Tirith Captains and banners in various poses and conditions
-Painted Knights of minis tirith. Plastic, but 2 or 3 are metal
-Warriors of Minas Tirith in various conditions
-Various quality rohirrim
-Prince Imrahil Primed
-Box of Knights of Dol Amroth
-METAL OOP Men at Arms (value highly-several blisters) Some out of package
-possibly clansmen not sure where they are
-Dunedain/Rangers of the North mostly new couple primed


-Several Galadriels NOT the new one
-Old Thrand
-Haldir in woodland robe with sword out
-Wood Elf sentinel primed

-Metal OOP Dwarf Captain and Banner
-Many painted winter based Dwarf Warriors and Rangers
-Several Dwarf Kings mostly new or primed
-Khazad Guard in varying quality
-Vault Warden teams METAL OOP

-Treebeard painted

-Sauron painted finecast missing spike on crown
-Mouth of Sauron mtd and foot painted METAL
-Khamul on ft and mtd metal
-Both Gothmogs various condition METAL
-Mordor Orc Shaman metal
-Orc Taskmaster metal
-Castellans painted well
-Orcs, Wargs, Morannons various amounts and qualities. Couple Mordor Uruks.
-Black numenoreans greatly painted or various qual ALL METAL

Goblins Lol and possibly a cave troll various condition


-Lots of Uruks with sword and shield and with pikes various conditions
-various captains
-Ballista and part of crew
-New METAL berserkers
-Ferals OOP NEW AND primed
-Scouts plastic painted and metal various conditions

-Arbalester Blist BNIB
-Black Numenorean
-Many half trolls in various conditions
-Easterlings with swords, bows, a couple metal, a captain, a few pikes all various conditions not new

-Goblin King on sprue with evil heroes and lots of various goblins
-Hunter Orcs primed on sprue
-Erebor Warriors primed on sprue

-Old BOLG with his name on the box NEW blister

And guys I have various other single pieces and bits of lots of stuff. Ask.

Author:  joshuar_au [ Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTBR's trading

Hi, I have heaps of hobbits, do you have any of the new hobbit stuff?

Author:  BenBoomer [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTBR's trading 6/14 updated many haves

Pm sent.

Author:  Mrgunnar177 [ Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTBR's trading 6/14 updated many haves

Is the fairamir on horse still available?

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTBR's trading 6/14 updated many haves

Yes pm me what you have to offer

Author:  billyboyd [ Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTBR's trading 6/14 updated many haves

Is this still a current list of Haves and Wants

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Sep 24, 2016 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTBR's trading 6/14 updated many haves

Not quite but pm me your wants and haves and we may work something out. I know in my head what I have and dont just didnt write it down recently.

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