The One Ring

mage knight redux
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Author:  jdizzy001 [ Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  mage knight redux

I'm a big mage knight fan. I haven't played it since 2011ish. Anyways, I found these mage knight minis and gave them a touch up. The Rage Paladin was the first mini I ever modified (I painted the now gold spots yellow). So he got an update. The necromancer was one of my friends favorite pieces so he got a make over (and is going to be mailed to my friend). And Wolfhawk was one of my favorite pieces. She had a great dial and a sweet sculpt, so she got a make over. Not my best work, but certainly better than the original paint jobs ;).

Author:  Laevos [ Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mage knight redux

MageKnight is actually the game that got me into the hobby. Have not played it in ages, although I recently ran into the miniatures again when cleaning up some boxes.
Your re-paints are certainly an improvement on the standard paint job. Makes me want to re-paint a couple of my favorites too. I was an Elemental League and Draconum player. How about you?

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mage knight redux

At first I played High Elves (almost exclusively). However, near the end of the hobby I focused on playing low point heroes (less than 90) with a few items/relics. I stopped playing after I had developed a 600 point army with a spread of heroes from high elves, solonavi, shift and the league that couldn't be beat by anyone in my local area. Every mini in the army had a def of 18+ with either charge or bound. Additionally it contained 2 (maybe 3) healers. The center piece was Keldane Falconer with a galeshy cloak and the paragon shield. He was def 18 (boosted to a 21) with dodge. The "falcon" gave him a few clicks of venom and the def 21 plus dodge made him super shifty. The paragon shield inflict 1 point of damage on the attacker everytime they missed. This couldn't be reduced per the text for the shield, so to attack the falconer would mean dmg no matter what. He had 2 healers to keep him healthy a few archers to back him up and a few other charge happy allies who also sported super high defense. One was a charging healer and the other had a whopping def of 22!

Good times. :)

Author:  Laevos [ Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mage knight redux

Ah yes, the later sets where you could boost some figures with items. It added more flexibility but unfortunately at the cost of game balance. I remember the Galeshi cloak, one of my opponents liked to use it in combination with Varatrix. But I imagine that the army you describe with low cost heroes with charge or bound would be even more deadly.
In my armies I also usually had two healers, works very well in keeping all your figures in the game. I do not remember my armies from the 2.0 era that well, but from the older sets I often had a Thorn Maiden and the invisible faerie healer.

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