evilatmind wrote:
i've never used grey primer but i have seen a painting guide done with grey priming (think it was about the Citadel spray gun/how to use it) so it should still work.
on the subject of what colours you get i would usually look for the name of the colour in the paints name and see what your army needs, IE if you have lots of metal armour get boltgun metal, or if you have cloaks you want to paint blue then get a paint that has the word blue on it. also try to get 2 paints for each colour (dark base colour and highlight) if you do that you can't go far wrong
also i would try to get devlan mud wash, IMO it is very good for adding depth to a model quickly and easily
Look at the date of the previous post
. The thread is pretty dead now and your post most times won't get read by the author. Don't worry, everyone makes the mistake.