The One Ring

HELP need advice/tatics agaist elven army and last alliance
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Author:  Colossuss [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:16 am ]
Post subject:  HELP need advice/tatics agaist elven army and last alliance

Hi i am new to Lotr warhammer and i need help aganist an eleven army with legolas, galadrum, elevn archers with galadrum bows and help on a last alliance army. I am isengard and the point limit is 1250 i have in my army

1 sappers company
1 berserker company
1 isengard troll
1 ballista
5 uruk-hai with pikes company
5 uruk-hai warband company
2 crossbowmen company

Any tatics or advice would be greatful plz

Author:  ForgottenLore [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP need advice/tatics agaist elven army and last allia

Hi, welcome to the forum and the games.

You re specifying that you have companies of figures, so I assume that means you are playing War of the Ring, yes?

Could you be a little more specific on what he is doing that you are having trouble with? What else does he have? When you say he has "galadrum" do you mean Galadriel the hero (and which one) or that he has a Galadhrim Regiment? Likewise, is "elevn archers with galadrum bows" a Galadhrim Archer Regiment or a Wood Elf Warband with bows and the Galadhrim Longbows fortune?

With Legalos in the mix, my first advice would be to drop the Troll. Legalos is a monster killer and I can't imagine a lone troll lasting long enough to do anything. If you have to take the troll for some reason (you need the points, you really like the model, whatever) I would recommend making him a troll captain and try to keep him out of sight of Legalos. If you can drop the troll, I would probably replace him with a couple captains. One each for the pikemen and the regular Uruk-Hai warriors.

Author:  Colossuss [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP need advice/tatics agaist elven army and last allia

Sorry for the wait
he has Gladrial the spellcaster hero, Legolas and celeborn as his heros
and his army containers galadrium archers 2 companies of galdrium, about 4 companies of wood elves warriors i think and he has longbows with his archer making his range 36inch and he does this might point thing were galadrium gets a free point of might and can boost the might points of legalos and celeborn or something like that each turn its a ability thats the evlen army and the last alliance has high warriors and archers and some numenorians and a few dwarves his heros are elsifur, elrond in last alliance armour and one other hero i am not sure who but they can kill my friends balrog in one turn.

the evles range attack and the might point thing with gladrium is a bit dogey to me and is the main trouble i have at the moment was thinking about replacing my pikemen with more uruk-hai warriors and some scouts and get two more balliatars

my balliatars ar good because of their range but my uruk-hai need to get close and its hard with the elven archers.


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