The One Ring

Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!
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Author:  StinkenChicken [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

Hey all!

I have been collecting, painting, and building for a while now, but I've only played a few games against people I haven't just taught the game to. 8)
Anyway I want to get some more people interested out here, and when I start explaining the game they instantly say something like, "Man that sounds really complicated." so I was thinking how could I explain most of the game with a few simple points.
For example most actual combat whether guns, swords, or fists can be explained as perfecting timing and distance, but in this game those are both not super important. you have all the time you need to make your moves (if you have a patient opponent!), and you can measure the battlefield anytime you want so you don't need to be a really good judge of distance.

So my question is: What are a few simple points you can tell someone that give a decent representation of how to play? :roll:

My best idea so far is paper, scissor, rock. where your rock is a cave troll, and the enemy scissors are the archers standing two inches away. While your paper is taking care of the enemy rock (bat swarms against heroes).
I hope that makes a little sense. And I look forward to your thoughts! :)

Author:  that-one-elf [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

Hey there Chicken! That's a really interesting way to picture it, I think it's a great way to explain the game to people who don't like things complicated.

Author:  The Horde Lord [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

This is totaly wrong, or at least far to simplistic. the lack of this simplicity is one of the main reasons I love the game. Also, your example only works with one faction. The most important elements in my opinion is SBGmath, might and numbers. SBGmath is like choosing morannons over regular orcs when fighting Gondor.

Author:  WayUnderTheMountain [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

I have to agree with the Horde Lord. All of GW's games are more math and numbers based which in my mind makes it better than the older rock-paper-scissors formula. GWmath includes repeated calculations of probabilities followed by desperate desire for good luck.

Author:  Lord of Gondor [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

Yes I also agree with Horde Lord. Its just about being methodical turns- move, shoot, fight etc. As for maths and numbers your really only using a dice, so most numbers don't go beyond 6. I see it as a game of chess, with pieces moving that fight in different ways and have different strengths, but a sort of expanded game of chess, with an unorthodox board, and where the queen can't just take that pawn, she has to fight and wound it first. There is also some form of tactics and strategy involved, in that you have to choose how to move you troops, what enemy to take on first, how to position your soldiers- also elements found in chess. Its war, on a board, where you have to be the Julius Caeser or Henry V or Oliver Cromwell (or in this case, the Sauron, Aragon or Theoden) and bring your army to victory. :boromir

Author:  StinkenChicken [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

Yeah I think you guys are right, there is definitely more to it than rock paper scissors, and I kind of like the chess analogy.
So the skills needed are things like logical and strategic thinking, as well as some basic probability, and creativity for the story aspect.

I guess a more accurate description of the game would be something like "Ultimate 3d chess with a dash of DnD". Does that sound better?

Author:  Valamir [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

I suppose the new analogy is a bit better.

Having taught easily a dozen people to play the game (all with some degree of ability), allow me to share some points to help you out for instructing the docile.

First, stay simplistic- anything you can throw out in the first round or two or three, do so- in short, for the first round of teaching, start with small numbers (less than 20 per side) and use only regular warriors (avoid monsters and anything with the words 'special rules'- excepting only terror for like morgul knights or such), though cavalry is usually alright.

If they pick this up without an issue (or much of one), introduce things like captains and monsters- though avoid magic and almost anything having to do with courage tests for the time being (actually, I would avoid 'army broken' rules until about the time that you introduce magic, mainly because it can add to the overwhelming of a beginner). After introducing hero basics (including the uses for might, will, and fate) then move on to magic, courage, and anything else you might find useful. Viola! Instant new student who is now lacking primarily in experience and knowledge of models.

Best of luck!

Oh, and on the idea of an analogy, perhaps you could describe it as a combination of Axis and Allies when merged with chess?

Author:  Draugluin [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

If you want to teach people, play a couple games of Balin's Tomb, or even the Getting Started booklet in MoM if you think that would be better.

Author:  StinkenChicken [ Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

Thanks Valamir, I think thats a good idea to start with only a few rules and slowly build up to keep from getting overwhelmed.
Playing Balins tomb is a good idea too, so that they recognize some things from the movie, the only thing I don't like about it is the fellowship heroes can be confusing to use all at the same time.

:twisted: Muwahahaha with these tips I can recruit many more leaders to fight under the goblin banner, or maybe some dwarf generals to grind into the dust beneath the feet of my warriors.
At the very least I could get some people to have fun wasting an evening with. :-D

Author:  Draugluin [ Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

If you think it's confusing, either take command of the Fellowship, or split the heros up, you take Gandalf and maybe Legolas, or all the Hobbits, and give the other heros to other people.

Author:  Valamir [ Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

Excellent point, Drauglin- I have done a few where I've broken the Fellowship up- it can work well for teaching.

Author:  StinkenChicken [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Paper, Scissors, CAVE TROLL!

Yeah thats a pretty good idea too. Well thanks for all the help guys!

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