The One Ring

Getting back into the game, looking for some army advice
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Author:  james s j [ Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Getting back into the game, looking for some army advice

Hello all, hope all is well. I am here to pester you and your experienced ways.

I used to collect and paint over a decade ago when the movies came out and the bgime comics were in press but dropped the hobby. I don't remember why.
About a year or so ago I found my old badly painted models at my mother's in a closet of my old stuff and decided to get back into painting. After re/painting some 60+ models I burnt out and left them to gather dust in another closet.

Finally I've got back to them and been painting in batches of 12. Also been purchasing some good deals on ebay and some other models from games workshop.
I would like to assemble them into a working army/armies for playing. I have the old Rulebook and played a few games with my girlfriend and at my local GW store but not to the warband standard. I have just downloaded the hobbit pdf from GW

The express purpose of this thread is to present what I have and get some help in arranging them into warbands. Any advice you could give me would be swell. I'd appreciate anything from warband guides to complete army builds and their point listing. If there is anything you think I should pick up to round out a force or give it some flair that'd be swell too. I'd like to take this moment to thank you in advance.

One idea I had was an orc captain (with no additionals) and 10 orcs with 1 additional to form a neat 100 point warband. I can trade out 6 orcs for a banner and keep in the bounds.

As a precursor note:- I am pretty anal about using unpainted models and so will specify what models are unfinished and broken. All ones listed as broken have snapped weapons - I can fix them tempoarily with a little glue but if anyone has any tips that would be greatly appreciated.



1 - Captain w/shield
1 - Grishnákh

2 - Captain w/shield
1 - Gothmog
1 - troll chieftan

Morder Orcs


9 - shield
9 - bow
8 - spear
3 - two handed
2 - banner
2 - warg rider w/throwing spear
1 - warg rider w/bow

4 - shield
1 - two handed
1 - bow

3 - shield
1 - two handed
2 - spear

Morannon orcs

6 - shields
3 - spear w/shield
3 - spear

6 - shields
3 - spear w/shield
3 - spear


1 - mordor troll



1 - Chieftan w/spear
1 - Hasharin


6 - Haradrim w/spear
6 - Haradrim w/bow

11 - Haradrim w/ spear
8 - haradrim w/bow



1 - Theoden
1 - Gamling
1 - Hama
1 - King's Huntsman
1 - Aragorn
1 - Gimili

1 - Leoglas
1 - Eomer (Foot and mounted)
1 - Captain
1 - Captain w/ shield (Foot and mounted)
1 - Eowyn
1 - Theodred (mounted only)


3 -Royal Guard
1 - Banner
1 - Horn
10 - Warrior of Rohan w/shield
8 - Warrior of Rohan w/throwing spear
12 - Warrior of Rohan w/bows

8 - Warriors of Rohan w/shield
6 - Warriors of Rohan w/throwing spear
14 - Warriors of Rohan w/bow

4 - Warriors of Rohan w/throwing spear
9 - Royal Guard


2 - Riders of Rohan
2 - Riders of Rohan w/throwing spear

2 - rohan royal guard
1 - mounted banner (and foot verson)
24 - Riders of Rohan
8 - Riders of Rohan w/throwing spear



1 - Boromir (fellowship)
1 - Madril
1 - Cirion
2 - Captain w/shield
1 - Knight of the White Tower

1 - Faramir (ranger)


4 - Rangers
4 - Rangers w/spear
9 - Rangers w/bow

12 - Warriors of Minas Tirith w/shield
9 - Warriors of Minas Tirith w/spear
12 - Warriors of Minas Tirith w/bow
2- banner
1 - horn blower

2 - Warriors of Minas Tirith w/spear

Thank you all for your time.

Author:  Spike117 [ Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Getting back into the game, looking for some army advice

I mean you have a really solid collection built up, my main advice is to get some easy going buddies and just start playing. That way you can start to relearn, and it's not at all competitive and you can use house rules to make your way around warband rules and such.

Of course eventually you wanna get them 'legal' but learning the ropes using older rule sets or modifying warbands to fit your needs. Then as you get acquainted with the game, tactics, formations, etc., you can start forming up armies.

Sorry I didn't really help with your main question, as I am in a very similar boat with lots of old models, rekindled interest, and a loss of army formation knowledge. But I found starting small and easy with a slowly growing gaming group of close friends has really improved both my skills as a tactician and army builder :-D

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