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 Post subject: proxy / converversions
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:57 am 
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I am mostly a collector and growing on the gaming side. Now committed to build competitive army's and loving converting & personalising, I Wondder if I could use these units in 'official' tournaments.

1. Uruk siege engineers converted to have crossbows (the best use for spare ones...) (corsair arbalasters the some thing, converted to have Xbow and pavise)
2. riders of rohan, converted to have no helmet, heavy armor and an armored horse to look like sons of Eorl, and some riders with converted clothing and helmet to look like outriders.
3. Elrond mounted: If I convert elrond to be mounted, while there is now an official model...

Is there an official ruling regarding proxy&conversions in this for most tournaments ? I know that most tournaments are not organized by GW but, what is the standing on this in most semi official or even the official tournaments ?
I feel its a waste of resources if i can't use converted uruk siege engineers as xbow men, it would come down to : 'who wants to spend a lot of money to buy official models' instead of making good use of spare ones and just build and personalize a well made competitive army.

just to be clear, I do not talk about a real proxy, like saying Erestor is glorfindel, but more about converting units to more usefull units. So converting erestor making him look different and then call him and use him as glorfindel.
Also In most cases it would be a mixture of the real miniatures mixed with conversions Like 3 'real' sons of eorl with 2 converted ones.

Love to hear not only your opinion but the known official standings in the tournaments you would or do attend.

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prov. 27:17
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 Post subject: Re: proxy / converversions
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:49 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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As long as the model demonstrates the wargear and such there is no reason not to make conversions, the ruling is simple if it looks like the real deal then it is. As long as the mini was lotr to begin with and done well then it's fine at tourneys, never forget to ask the TO before hand though.

As a side note quite alot of the range wouldn't be field-able without proxies/ or conversions.

There isn't a model for gilgalad, forlong or glorfindel lord of the west mounted, there isn't a foot model to represent dismounted sons of eorl. None of the upgrades for say black dragons, castellans of umbar, venomblade knights, kings guard, elite galadrim, dol guldur orcs, veterans of the iron hills, battlin brandibucks etc... Actually have official models yet we are expected to make them stand out on the field if we take them with other units.
Also it doesn't matter if you make a mounted conversion of a hero, as long you can tell it's him/her there really is no need to fork out for "the" official model, but yeah only do that if you genuinely want something different from everyone else or if you don't like the official model, some people get a bit twitchy when it's just to save a buck.
I hope you found this useful.

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 Post subject: Re: proxy / converversions
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:45 pm 
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If youre at Games Workshop in a tourney, you can only proxy models that are OOP to use.

Ive asked, and theyre jerks about it.

As for other leagues/tourneys, if theyre good looking I dont see an issue if you put a good amount of work in. Against me personally, I wouldnt care at all as long as they were nice. Or for practice.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: proxy / converversions
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:30 am 
Elven Elder
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There's a difference between proxy and conversions however and my experience w GW allows conversions

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 Post subject: Re: proxy / converversions
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:11 am 
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They'll allow conversions but any ive gone too up here wouldnt appreciate you having none of the regular models if theyre for sale.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: proxy / converversions
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:04 am 
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:34 am
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Thanks for all the answers, I can happely convert away then. (prob. will never attend official gw tourneys )

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