SouthernDunedain wrote:
I don't think this is a rules question

It depends on the army. In a laketown militia hoard, yes. He is worth every single point as his special rules apply to more models. I wouldn't take him leading a single allied warband of militia though.
Well I figured I was thinking from the point of ís he worth his rules....but yeah I wasnt sure haha.
I understand what youre saying though. Id take him with probably two warbands minimum but I think Id never be able to do a whord army alone. They need support.
Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
Agreed, he's expensive, but a great investment with 2+ Militia warbands nearby.
True. As I mentioned up there^ 2 minimum to use him. I just would end up probably making an army with 850+ points to include him and the rabble.
rigg1313 wrote:
You're essentially paying 45 points for his special 12inch effect rule. A 12inch standfast is regularly regarded as 5 points, 10 at max worth. The fight value bonus is obviously worth 1 point per lake town model within 12inchs, the greater the hoard the more its worth but you would say its a 20 points worth at least. Now it all depends on how you value the banner, its 12inchs but only effects militia (very Imrahil), but it would have to be 25 points in the very least. So I'd summarise once you add a second militia warband he becomes worth or even worth more than his points.
Yeah the way I see the banner, its worth a good 35 points easily, if not more based off the double range. The bonus to fight value is also good, but if you think about it, its only worth really 1 pt per affected model for basic troopers, and my second leader will always be Alfrid, not a captain. Not only is Alfrid good but thematically, he was a huge part of that movie.
My whole idea is......are Bards rules worth a lot of points? Yes. Is he worth that many points if you have to spend the points for two warbands or more of rabble just to upgrade them to the status of basica orc? Hmmm.......
Thanks for the replies though guys. Good food for thought.