Dr Grant wrote:
The rules specifically say to trace a line with a range ruler or tape measure, this line represents the arrow's trajectory and thus determines how many ITW role you need.
The rules state:
"If you can't get in for a model's-eye-view for any reason, trace a line between the targets with a tape measure or range ruler instead" pg 8
First this is a last resort method, not the intended one for LOS.
Second this is for LOS, not for ITW. For LOS you only need 1 clear line, hence why you can make do with a bit of string from the shooter's eyes to a valid part of the target's body if you can't take a peek like you should.
You need to take an ITW roll for any object obstructing the target.
The rules are that simple, and you are complicating them by far when you start with that straight line stuff.
To recap, you have LOS if you have 1 straight unobstructed line from the shooter's eyes to the target's body.
Once you have established that you move on to the in the way.
Any object (or model) that obstructs the target requires an in the way roll.
This discussion repeats itself and the whole "arrows go in a straight line argument" still doesn't make any sense.
Arrows do indeed go in a straight line, so if the line goes through an obstacle it hits it, period.
ITW rolls are a simplified way of seeing where the arrow will end from the shooter's perspective. It's not a guided missile dodging targets as it goes along, it's an arrow. From the shooter's viewpoint it can hit a few different obstacles or the target, that's all the ITW rolls represent.
In case you still can't see the sillyness, two representations from the shooter's pov:

By the rules as written you take 4 ITW rolls both times, simple.
The way you are defending would mean 1 in the first and 4 in the second (the goblins are overlapping in the second example from the shooter's pov)
Also, if you have a rock, a goblin behind it and a troll behind the goblin, and the rock hides the goblin but not the troll.
Follow the rules and you'll only see 1 obstruction in front of the Troll, since you can't see the goblin at all. Ignore the rules and decide to play with the patriot arrow and you'll end up with 2 ITW rolls.
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