The One Ring

Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others...
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Author:  slaktarn [ Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others...

Planing an all hero force basd on Thorins Company and realised that Bofurs mattock is two-handed, this means that he cant use it onehanded right?
So if he wants to use the special strikes he must use his two-handed weapon?
This would also apply to the grimhammers weapon, to use special strikes they need to use them two-handed?
There are probably other models that fall under this category, Bifurs spear for example can be used as a twohanded axe or spear so no special strikes without using it as twohanded?
have fun

Author:  Goldman25 [ Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others

Bifur has a blade sheathed on his back, so he could use the Feint special attack one-handed. For the Grimhammers and Bofur, they don't have another close-combat weapon visible, so they can't use a special strike.

Author:  slaktarn [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others

Hi, just wanna get this topic a little more attention since I played a game yesterday and this came up.

An orc with twohanded axe, can he use "piercing strike" one-handed?
I would say no and this is how we played it since it is a twohanded weapon.

However I have heard on the djungledrum that you can use a ywohanded weapon onehanded.
So is this still true or have the interpretation changed?

Have fun

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others

Im never an expert but id say it was ridiculous to put a two handed weapon on your model and claim to piercing strike one handed. Its already attached to the orc at extra points for 2 handed!

Author:  JamesR [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others

The aforementioned Orc could not piercing strike one handed, as he has a two hand weapon.

You cannot use a two handed weapon with only one hand. It's never been a part of the rules.
Not to be confusing but there are a few weapons (Elven blades for instance), that break this rule, but it is expressly stated within the weapon rules.

If a model has a 2 hand weapon and no visible other weapon, they may fight as though they did have another (single hand) weapon, but they cannot special strike with it.

Hope that helps

Author:  Dr Grant [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others

Those above me are correct. You cannot 'go one-handed' with a two-handed weapon.

Khazad Guard are a good example of this, they have two-handed axes and no other weapon sculpted onto them.

If they opt to use their two-handed weapon (and so suffer the -1 to the Duel roll) then they may Piercing Strike.

In addition, all models are assumed to have a hand weapon so, If the KG opt to not use their two-handed axe they are presumed to to be fighting with the hand weapon that you can't see so they can not use any Special Strikes. If you were to model a sword onto the Khazad Guard then the KG could Feint if he was not using his two-handed axe.

I think this whole confusion comes from a common mistake in SBG parlance where people commonly say "Are you going two-handed?" or "I'm going one-handed" implying that you are using the two-handed weapon either one or two handed when in fact you are swapping between two weapons.

I hope that makes sense.

Author:  slaktarn [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others

Thanks all. This is how I interpreted it.
However the example with Khazad Guard is perhaps not the best as
the models do have hand weapons. They actually can piercing strike one and twohanded.
But I do get your point.
have fun

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others

Dr Grant wrote:
Khazad Guard are a good example of this, they have two-handed axes and no other weapon sculpted onto them.

Not a very good example I'm afraid, some sculpts do in fact have a one-handed axe with them.

Otherwise, I think the principle is clear. 8)

EDIT: Oh noes, ninja'd!

Author:  Dr Grant [ Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Twohanded weapons for Bofur and grimhammers among others

Coenus Scaldingus wrote:
Not a very good example I'm afraid, some sculpts do in fact have a one-handed axe with them.

Hah, fair enough! That'll teach me to use examples of models I haven't painted :o

As you've mentioned though it does illustrate the other side of the argument. In this case Khazad Guard CAN special strike but only because they have single handed axes modelled onto them.

Sorry guys!

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