As one of the GBHL FAQ reps (along with Southy) I thought I'd weight in on this to explain the thinking behind the FAQ. Whilst from a fluff point of view he should clearly be able to pick the mount or the rider, we felt that from a RAW point of view it was actually petty clear that he can't.
The rules state that Deadly Shot allows Legolas to automatically hit his target model when shooting. In the cavalry section the rulebook states quite clearly that “you must always target the model as a whole: you cannot target either part specifically”. That seems pretty clear to me, his target is the cavalry model, not the mount or rider. Then, “each time one of your shots hits a cavalry model” (p51) you roll to determine whether you hit the mount or rider. So, Legolas' rule allows him to automatically hit his target (the cavalry model) and then AFTER he has hit it, he makes a special in the roll way to determine mount or rider.
As I said, this doesn't seem right from a fluff perspective but in terms of RAW it's pretty clear I think. Incidentally, I say this as a player who is currently at The Desolation of Stockport tourney using Legolas - there are also lots of other top table players (GBHL Jamie for example) who have been happy to use this ruling even though it negatively affects their army. As always, the point of our FAQ is not to say 'this is 100% correct' it's to ensure that everyone at the same event (and indeed any event) is playing by the same ruling.
As for needing to update the FAQ, that's not how it works. The FAQ is now 'out there' in the community. On the Facebook group, anyone who disagrees with any of the rulings can just message me and we run them as a poll to get a majority verdict. This has worked well with about 4 questions so far and means that any debatable rulings are completely in the hands of the community. What's surprising to me is that I actually thought the Legolas question would be one of the first ones to be challenged but as of yet no-one has felt strongly enough to contact me about it. As I've said above, most players seems happy enough to know that everyone's playing it the same way. Who knows though, after this thread and it coming up again at the curry table last night maybe this'll finally be the time that it gets put to the public vote!

Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
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