The One Ring

Spider queen and obstacles (SBG)
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Author:  jscottbowman [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Spider queen and obstacles (SBG)

Does spider queen get charge bonuses if charging troops defending an obstacle?

Spiders suffer no movement penalties for such terrain.
Her Attack form is called a 'pounce' ... So I wondered whether she would just pounce over the obstacle, thus getting her extra attack & knock down...

However the defender is still defending an obstacle so I guess that must still count for something?

Author:  Grungehog [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spider queen and obstacles (SBG)

Not if it is in difficult terrain., Other than that no idea

Author:  Dr Grant [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spider queen and obstacles (SBG)

Hey Scott, the Spider Queen's Pounce rule works 'exactly as if she were a monstrous mount'.

'Monstrous cavalry count as cavalry and follow the majority of their rules' (p64).

Cavalry models 'do not receive any of their cavalry charge bonuses when charging models on foot that are defending a barrier' (p53).

Hope that helps!

Author:  jscottbowman [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spider queen and obstacles (SBG)

Thanks for reply.
And the answer is as I suspected... though being the evil player that I tend to be, I had hoped she might be the exception to the rule!

But no worries. I can live with it! ;-)

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