How trapped does a model have to be to suffer the 'trapped' penalty. I was under the assumption that it had to have no room to back out in any direction, but in the rulebook it seems that if you are pinned from either side but with room to escape 'horizontally' then you are still trapped. Is Balin trapped in any of these situations?
Pinned by both sides

Pinned against a cliff/obstacle

Surrounded, but only charged by one

Also, with regard to striking enemies. Do you have to nominate who you are striking against before you roll? The rulebook only seems to give an example of two enemies with the same defence.
The way we always did it was this: Azog wins the fight. I roll all my dice to strike, see what scores I get - then cross reference the reesults against the enemies defences and see if any are high enough to wound. I gain enough to wound the elf, but not Dwalin. I remove the elf as a casualty.
If not, then say I roll my strikes individually; I nominate Dwalin but don't roll high enough to kill him, but high enough to kill the elf, can I use the roll then to cause a wound on the elf or is it lost?

Also with regard to heroic moves. We had galadriel declare a heroic move earlier, evil had priority. She moved first. Can she cast magic in that move, or does she have to wait until the move phase. Also if a heroic move is made, can they move again in the move phase in the same turn?