The One Ring

Dwarven Loremaster Rule & Aura Effect Magic
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Author:  Commissariat [ Mon Feb 15, 2016 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Dwarven Loremaster Rule & Aura Effect Magic

If a Loremaster targets an Evil Shaman using "Fury" what happens if he targets the "Magical Power" special rule?

Does it:
A) Turn off Magical Powers / Fury for a turn and they resume as normal next turn.

B) Turn off "Magical Powers" as a whole for a turn, the Shaman is unable to keep Fury cast because he is no longer a mage, and the Shaman loses the Fury Aura until he/she recasts the spell... effectively killing 1 Might and 1-2 Will?

Of course this applies to any aura spell such as "Cast Blinding Light".

Author:  largonien [ Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven Loremaster Rule & Aura Effect Magic


I think that "Magical Powers" are not under the "Special Rules" section. So you can't disable them.

For instance, in the Mordor sourcebook, The "Kardûsh the Firecaller" character has both "Special Rules" ("Hearth of Darkness" and "Shadow Pawn") and "Magical Powers" ("Flameburst" and "Fury").
You can only turn off "Hearth of Darkness" and "Shadow Pawn".

That's how I understand the "Loremaster" rule :)

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven Loremaster Rule & Aura Effect Magic

Magic can't be turned off. Dwarves aren't known for their magical ability, they just understand stuff like "HEY GUYS, THAT TROLL IS SCARY. NOW THAT YOU KNOW, HE'S NOT SCARY ANYMORE, RIGHT?" not "HEY YOU SHAMAN, I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU USE MAGIC RIGHT? WELL, NOT ANYMORE, OK?"

Author:  Commissariat [ Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarven Loremaster Rule & Aura Effect Magic

Oh got it, for some reason I thought Magical Powers were considered special rules. Thank you!

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