The One Ring

shotting at goblin scribe
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Author:  thomas [ Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  shotting at goblin scribe

By playing with goblintown, I realised that the goblin scribe model can be very easily hiden by the opponent.
In the FAQ GW writes that you can shoot any part of the frame. Since I am not an english native speaker, can someone explain to me what this means?
Can someone for example shoot just by having the wooden poll in line of sight?
Thanks in advace

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Sat Nov 12, 2016 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: shotting at goblin scribe

If the FAQ is saying any part of the frame, then yes, any part of the wood (even just a pole) or the sling or the goblin scribe himself all count.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: shotting at goblin scribe

The frame is the scaffolding, sling, and counter weight that make up the thing the scribe itself hangs from or on. What he FAQ means is that the whole plastic thing the scribe is in counts as being the scribe for the purpose of line of sight. This is not the case in some models like the one Goblin hero from Moria that is on a pillar or the rock some gollum models are posed on however. Which is why they made a specific ruling for it I suppose.

Author:  thomas [ Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: shotting at goblin scribe

thank you guys you have been very helpful

Author:  Bronf [ Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: shotting at goblin scribe

wish i knew about this a a couple of months ago. had several opponents use this little bugger and said to me i can only shoot the tiny goblin. not happy.

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