The One Ring

Combat Question Engaged Models
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Author:  Estel777 [ Fri Sep 18, 2020 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Combat Question Engaged Models

Hello from New Jersey!
SBG is finally becoming popular in my area!

I am still a bit robotic with the rules. Last night I was playing Mordor against my friend who is totally unfamiliar with wargaming playing Rohan. I had the initiative. I charged a Rohan warrior with 2 Orc warriors on my Move, my friend then charged the same 2 Orc warriors with 2 more of his Rohan warriors. In the Combat Phase, how would the fights be resolved?

I think I led my friend wrong. I told him he couldn't charge the orcs because they were engaged already. I'm thinking his Rohan warriors could have helped their Brother-in-Arms.

Thanks for any clarification!


Author:  Axel [ Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Question Engaged Models

Nothing stops you from charging an engaged model, as long as the charging model doesn't come within 1 inch of an unengaged enemy model.

In the combat phase the player with Initiative decides which models fight in which combat. All models in combat must fight and no combat can include more than one model on both sides, meaning every combat is either 1-v-1 or 1-v-2+, never 2+-v-2+, not counting spear support.

In your case, if both Orcs were in base contact with two or more Rohan warriors you would have decided which Orc would fight 1 Rohan warrior and which Orc would fight 2 Rohan warriors. If one of the Orcs was only in base contact with 1 Rohan warrior then those two models would fight and the other Orc would fight the remaining two other Rohan warriors.

Author:  Alex123 [ Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Question Engaged Models

Your friend could have charged the orcs with more Rohan warriors. The fact that they are already engaged in battle doesn't stop that.

When it comes time to resolving combats you would also then split the combats apart where possible. So, for example, if two orcs charged the first Rohan, then a second Rohan charges the two orcs, the fights would end up being two sets of one orc vs one Rohan.

It is a good idea for the orcs to charge the Rohan though, because this stops the charged Rohan doing its own cavalry charge, removing the extra attack bonus.

Author:  Estel777 [ Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Question Engaged Models

Thanks! Really! So if 1 Orc charged 1 Rohan during Mordor's move phase, then on the Rohan move 1 Rohan charges that Orc, would it be 2 Rohan 2 Warriors against the 1 Orc at Combat time?

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Question Engaged Models

Yeah, you can have 1 model fight as many enemy models as can get into base contact with it and it will all resolve as one fight.

Author:  Estel777 [ Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Question Engaged Models

Thanks again!. I just started to really study the manual. I want to make a many part presentation based on every covered topic in the book because like me there are many Visual and Audio as well as Kinetic learners out there that I think will benefit from it. There are not many Videos that go to deep into the rules.

Author:  ja33 [ Mon Sep 21, 2020 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Question Engaged Models

This is an older link, and they are using the old Hobbit SBG rules, but it really explains shooting and combats and all that stuff really well...


Author:  Estel777 [ Mon Sep 21, 2020 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Question Engaged Models

Nice, this is great! I will pass this along!

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