I would have to counter a little to say human bows vs. Dwarves is not really something I would say is "unfair". Dwarves have potentially some of the highest armor values in the game for basic troops. Against typical human bows even after a hit (with -1 if any movement is involved) you will still need a 6 much of the time. If the Dwarves can use terrain to help provide an "In the Way" then they just increased their survivability more.
Unfair, certainly not. It all balances out (or should do!) But whilst they have the high armour values, the high number of bows in the Grey Company still made enough of a dent, targeting softer troops like archers, iron guards etc that needed 6's to kill instead of 6's and 4's (that I needed to kill dwarves with shields)
That's 5 or 6 turns of shooting before they reached my lines with no minus one to shoot value, with 31 bows, 7 of them having might if necessary to get those 6's. Being a relatively small force numbers wise anyway and with no spear support, that means that what is left could be overwhelmed and taken to 25%.
Not saying they don't have a chance, but you could see why it was difficult for him!
Yes, the slow speed is going to make their ability to close on their foes that much harder simply because there will be an extra few turns due to the stumpy legs. But behind their shields and with their heavy armor the losses shouldn't be THAT significant.
I think Hashut took away from that game that the difference between having dwarves without shields and having them with shields makes a big big difference against strength 2 bows. When Iron Guard are being referred to as "squishies" you know something is up!
Add in the Dwarves could bring along some of their own Rangers. With a good shoot value an targeting at the more lightly armored GC I would think the Rangers could inflict a few kills of their own before being taken out. Not only would this reduce the number of GC left to shoot/fight, but also every turn the GC is directing fire to eliminate the Dwarf Rangers is a turn of reduced shooting at the armored Dwarf Warriors which should be trudging along at best speed to put an axe in the foolish men.
First time around he brought dwarven archers, which meant they were outranged by the GC as well as being outnumbered. They became "squishies" that simply went towards hitting that 50% breaking point as far as I was concerned!
Hashut quickly learned from this too and has since deployed rangers instead, which performed very well in the last game. But they'll always be outnumbered in the bow fight with GC or even mounted Rohan. Not saying there is nothing Dwarves can do in this situation as that is rubbish but the challenge has to be appreciated in order to be dealt with!
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