ok, using the list i provided, here's how i think they would go in the scenarios:
against armies like mordor or moria, they would get slaughtered in scenarios like storm the camp, domination, the high ground and reconnoitre, simply because those armies would most likely be pushing the model limit, and have a lot more models to defend/attack/hold objectives. in the next scenarios, i would only expect a minor victory: ill met by moonlight, to the death and a clash of piquets, only because most of the require reinforcement rolls, so the whole force will be on (most likely) before 2/3s of the enemy's. the one's i see this list absolutely taking out are contest of champions, to kill a king, take and hold and seize the prize! the overall high defense of this army would help out a lot, as the warriors would be able to hold out until boromir has either cut up some orc, killed their leader, or pelted off with the prize.
for the scenarios this list will be kicked in the nuts on, i would take as allies (i'm going to increase the allies to 260):
#1 Rohan
Allied Leader: Captain of Rohan on w/shield - 50
25 Warriors of Rohan - 257
8 w/ shields
8 w/ bows
8 w/ throwing spears and shields
1 w/ banner
Might: 2
(added up: 10)
Models: 26 (added up: 56)
Shots/Turn: 8 (all S2 [8/8.6
{all added up: 16 (all S2 [16/18.6])}])
Break Point: 13 (added up: 28)
these allies will help out in numbers, forming a shield wall and good skirmishing troops.
or: #2: the fiefdoms
Allied Leader: Angbor - 55
18 Clansmen of Lamedon - 163
6 Rangers of Gondor - 213
2 w/ Spears
5 Axemen of Lossarnach - 253
Might: 2?? (added on: 10)
Models: 30 (added on: 60)
Shots/Turn: 6 (all S2 [6/10 {all added up: 18 (all S2 [18/20])}])
Break Point: 15 (added on: 30)
this will defiantly help with numbers!
i feel i have proved 2 things here today...
*everyone thinks 'dork!'*
....1: gondor has access to lot's of skirmishers
2: good
can get horde armies!
rock on