The One Ring

Wood Elves with Grey Company
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Author:  Adanedhel [ Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Wood Elves with Grey Company

I was wondering wether someone could tell me how to use an army of Wood Elves allied with Grey Company?
And should I ad Glorfindel LotW for a strong hero since Thranduil is not that strong a hero.
btw I do want to include some sentinels,
thanks beforehanded

Author:  whafrog [ Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wood Elves with Grey Company

Adanedhel wrote:
I was wondering wether someone could tell me how to use an army of Wood Elves allied with Grey Company?
And should I ad Glorfindel LotW for a strong hero since Thranduil is not that strong a hero.
btw I do want to include some sentinels,
thanks beforehanded

I think you're better off using High Elves than Wood Elves. The reason is both Grey Company and Wood Elves have similar strengths and weaknesses, ie: good fight and shoot, lousy armour. You might find it handy to have armoured, shielded High Elf spearmen to punch into the enemy's ranks while your bowmen pick off stragglers. I've found Grey Company + High Elves, or Wood Elves + High Elves to be useful combos. If you want Sentinels, go with the latter.

But if you really like GC and Sentinels (they *are* great), then make sure your WE non-bowmen are armed with throwing daggers. I'd prefer WE spears to Elven blades because you can shield with them, which is very helpful when you lose priority or you're surrounded briefly. I don't find Elven blades very useful since the higher cost of elf troops means you rarely have enough models surrounding a target to risk losing the fight. If you have WE models with blades, give them throwing daggers and don't pay for the blades...use the "use-as" rule so that those models are considered to have a hand weapon instead.

The thing about throwing weapons: first, don't forget to use them! :) Second, in order to use them, *you* have to be the one charging, so you'll want some Might to make Heroic Moves if you don't get priority.

Legolas or Haldir make good WE troop leaders. Glorfindel's pretty pricey. If you're facing one Cave Troll or less, I'd go with Elrond's sons instead because you get potentially twice the attacks, and twice the Might for critical tactical moves (see above). If there's more than one Cave Troll or something nastier, Glorfindel's higher Fight might come in handy.

Hope that helps.

Author:  Adanedhel [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

It aids a lot

Author:  Galhadrim elf [ Sat May 10, 2008 5:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey i actualy was thinking of a simalar army myself

both armys have brilliant shooting potential and acces to brilliant heros

i actualy put this army together the other night hope it helps:

Legolases gaurd (350pts)
2 woodelf sentinels-------------------------------------------------50pts
8 woodelf warriors with throwing daggers and elven blade-----80pts
8 woodelf warriors with throwing daggers and woodelf spear--80pts
5 woodelf warriors with elfbow and woodelf spears-------------50pts

Gaurdians of the shire (350pts)
Gandalf th grey------------------------------------------------------170pts
3 dunadain with spears---------------------------------------------75pts
3 rangers-------------------------------------------------------------24pts
9 rangers with spears-----------------------------------------------81pts

this army is brilliant not only because it combine my two favoret forces but the forces work brilliantly together (especialy gandalfs cast light rule)

and not only that but they can be used as two separate armys which both preform well on there own

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