The One Ring

Rain and weather in middle earth.
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Rain and weather in middle earth.

Ive always wondered....besides Helms Deep we havent seen much in the films and how much is it mentioned in the book? My idea was to do a scenario with rainfall and I was wondering where it would pour rain a lot.

Also other ideas involving weather. Snow, heat, etc all those things how would you make affect the game?

I know I saw a nice long pdf once on here but threw away the papers I printed. Any ideas guys?

Author:  Alatar of Rhun [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain and weather in middle earth.

I found this in my download abyss ... 9.pdf?dl=0

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain and weather in middle earth.

I would do what is done in mage knight. For heavy down pours limit mobility and visibility by half. For extreme heat you could declare every turn your army has to pass a courage test as if it was broken or suffer the effects of dehydration (death!). High winds could impose an archer penalty on shots extending beyond 3" in range, ice could impose a modified thrown rider check (1= no action and you fall down, 2-5= half movement, 6= normal move), be creative. Weather like this make for memorable games!

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain and weather in middle earth.

Alatar of Rhun wrote:

Exactly what I looked for thank you so much.

jdizzy001 wrote:
I would do what is done in mage knight. For heavy down pours limit mobility and visibility by half. For extreme heat you could declare every turn your army has to pass a courage test as if it was broken or suffer the effects of dehydration (death!). High winds could impose an archer penalty on shots extending beyond 3" in range, ice could impose a modified thrown rider check (1= no action and you fall down, 2-5= half movement, 6= normal move), be creative. Weather like this make for memorable games!

Ah lovely to see another mage knight player. That got me into gaming!

Did you play much? And nice suggestions.

Author:  Fëanor, the mighty elf [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain and weather in middle earth.

Alatar of Rhun wrote:

I was gonna post that, but it's good to see my article is remembered. :) Thanks for posting!
I think I have tweaked some of the rules a bit. I will look into uploading the updated version.

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain and weather in middle earth.

jdizzy001 wrote:
I would do what is done in mage knight. For heavy down pours limit mobility and visibility by half. For extreme heat you could declare every turn your army has to pass a courage test as if it was broken or suffer the effects of dehydration (death!). High winds could impose an archer penalty on shots extending beyond 3" in range, ice could impose a modified thrown rider check (1= no action and you fall down, 2-5= half movement, 6= normal move), be creative. Weather like this make for memorable games!

Ah lovely to see another mage knight player. That got me into gaming!

Did you play much? And nice suggestions.[/quote]
I played a lot of Mage Knight 2.0. My crew and I played 600 point games. I retired though as I had built an army that was undefeatable. I kid you not, no one could beat it. The force was a hodge podge of heroes all with charge or bound. It included a lot of healing (the army featured 3 healers) as well. My favorite combo was an elf who had charge, venom and a base 18 defense. I would equip him with the paragon shield and dervish cloak which would give him a def 21 and dodge. Additionally the shield would grant auto damage (no DR) against piece that attempted to attack him and missed (range or melee). This was a huge deterrent to attack him, the invulnerable guys didn't want to risk losing invulnerability. Same went for the guys with toughness. Then, to boot, if anyone was brave enough to base him and attempt to enter a melee with him they had to deal with his venom and regular attack. If someone tried to archer me, I archered them back. There were also a few Magic resistant folks in there who took care of pesky mages. It was such a great game!

Author:  Alatar of Rhun [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain and weather in middle earth.

Fëanor, the mighty elf wrote:
Alatar of Rhun wrote:

I was gonna post that, but it's good to see my article is remembered. :) Thanks for posting!
I think I have tweaked some of the rules a bit. I will look into uploading the updated version.

It's a great piece of work on your part and adds some interesting challenges

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain and weather in middle earth.

Fëanor, the mighty elf wrote:
Alatar of Rhun wrote:

I was gonna post that, but it's good to see my article is remembered. :) Thanks for posting!
I think I have tweaked some of the rules a bit. I will look into uploading the updated version.

Thanks man. Yeah I was thinking about it for somw time. I wanna add it to games.

Author:  undivided [ Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain and weather in middle earth.

Another idea: as New Zealand is pretty much middle earth check the weather there before every game. Then come up with rules to coordinate.

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