The One Ring

Height advantage
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Author:  jdizzy001 [ Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Height advantage

Chief hugh and i were discussing height advantages for archers. Before we implemented anything as a house rule, we wanted to hear from the community. Our ideas are a plus bonus to the to hit roll, a range bonus or a reroll bonus. What have you used?

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Height advantage

jdizzy001 wrote:
Chief hugh and i were discussing height advantages for archers. Before we implemented anything as a house rule, we wanted to hear from the community. Our ideas are a plus bonus to the to hit roll, a range bonus or a reroll bonus. What have you used?

First off, what were your rules?

As for height bonus...Is say if a model is 6'4" or taller he should be able to shoot through two rows of friendlies....ha-ha joking.

Idk. I like height the way it works. Shooting on the ground or off a tower I'm not sure if there should be a difference. Someone could do for every inch elevation add a half to maximum range.

As for a rule I'd want....if a model you target is within 50% of your total shoot value....I.e. A ranger with 24" Bow shooting at someone 11" away he should have +1 to hit. Human nature dictates its easier to shoot things that are closer generally.

Author:  pokyha [ Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Height advantage

I thought a simple small range boost is done by measuring.

Say an Easterling wants to shot a Gondorian up on top of a big wall he measures from lets say his head (could be bow or base) to the Gondorian on top of the wall in a diagonal line Because he has to shot upwards.

The gondorian would measure in a flat line parallel to the board as he doesn't have to counter gravity.

Here are some diagrams to represent this.


The Gondorian Measures in flat line giving him more range.


The Easterling has to shot upwards reducing his range.

The range difference would be pretty small though.

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