The One Ring

Druzhag's Beasties
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Author:  mr. dude [ Sun Jul 10, 2016 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Druzhag's Beasties

Yesterday, I used Druzhag for the first time. Another party I'm late to, this one is lots of fun. Druzhag does really interesting things for your army, because now it has so many points of attack coming in from so many angles, so I wanted to talk about that. What's your favourite Druzhag tactic? What models do you like to take him with (both his pets and the rest of the army)?

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Druzhag's Beasties

Let's put it this way. I don't ever use that army. I don't like the idea honestly. BUT I have more than one person in my group who plays it and it's such a pain....

My advice to you is the spiders. Even with a heroic strike they're extremely difficult to survive combat against with any medium or small range hero. I lost two arnor named heroes in a game by spiders while heroic striking. Nothing I could do.

Author:  mr. dude [ Wed Jul 13, 2016 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Druzhag's Beasties

Oh yeah, the Spider Mamas get monstrous with him. The army I used was Druzhag, Spider Queen, Warg Chieftain, a bunch of Wild Wargs, a couple of Bat Swarms, and the rest was Orcs led by Barrow Wights. What that did was, because the assumption is that I'll power up the Spider Queen, my opponents put lots of effort into blocking that path; which left openings for my Bats or Wargs to get enraged.

One thing I didn't do very well was that I mixed army builds. The mightless Angmar army is fun and can be very powerful, but it doesn't mix too well with other builds. An enraged Bat Swarm would really benefit from the ability to heroic combat, I just didn't have the tools to do that.

More work to do and things to try in the coming weeks.

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