The One Ring

Cold Drake
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Author:  simmuskhan [ Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Cold Drake

Hi all,

For the last month I've been painting up the Blightfang model as a Cold Drake or Blue Dragon.

There's a full annotated WIP on the blog:

But here are some pics for those of you interested!




Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold Drake

That is a pretty nice model and paint job. It fits in with the look well enough too. I look forward to seeing it give your dwarves a good thrashing at some point!

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold Drake

Hmmm... Needs a house rule profile. I'll draw one up.

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold Drake

Got it.

Frost Drake 190pts
Army list-Desolator of the Far North, impossible allies with all unless Morgoth gets an army. Morgoth owns all.

F6/5+ S7 D7 A3 W6 C5 M3 W1 F1
Resistant to magic, Terror, fly, fell sight
Tundra creature: Snow does not count as difficult terrain. Additional, landing the model entirely on snow yields the same effect as the stalk unseen special rule.
Draconic Charge: 8' move, knocks to the ground like a monstrous mount
Moves through terrain without penalty
Frost Breath, bpa: Rather than making strikes, the Frost Drake may opt to unleash frost breath. Choose a 45 degree arc with a 5 inch radius from the Frost Drake to be affected. Roll a d6 for each model, a 2+ yields the paralyzed magical power, while a natural roll of 6 will yield the channeled version.

Points calculation
Cave drake-150
F6 5+ S7 D7 A3 W6 C4 M0 W0 F0(1 courage, 3m, 1w, 1f=30pts)
Resistant to magic-same
Cornered beast: If trapped in a fight and defeated, all models friend and foe within 1' suffer a S4 hit-worse ability
Draconic Charge: 8' move, knocks to the ground like a monstrous mount
Moves through terrain without penalty-same
Gaping maw: If you win, you can strike as normal or try swallow a man-sized model. Make a single roll to wound, if successful the target is gobbled up and dead. If they pass fate, they survive unharmed.-better ability

No ability points change, except fly and fell sight, 10 points(5 for each rule).

Author:  Curufinwë [ Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold Drake

The paintjob works very well for it. You did a great job on it.

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Tue Nov 27, 2018 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cold Drake

Be cool if you gave him an emtourage of blue skinned goblins, frost goblins.
Overall great paintjob.

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