Sounds great, I once collected High Elves before I traded them in for Wood Elves. I used a green forest scheme and would mindlessly convert spearmen to look more 'foresty' and one day just thought, 'Weeeelll.... might as well go the whole hog and actually use Wood Elves instead'.
High Elves generally look good in any scheme with the basic rule 'colour + white'. Browse online and you'll get millions of pictures combining this basic High Elves scheme, and colour can mean anything from the traditional ultramarine blue, to something more seaworthy like Thunderhawk Blue, or even something completely different like a bright pink or fiery orange. The High Elves heraldry book is also absolutely fantastic for this kind of stuff, and in my opinion is the best of the several heraldry books GW released a few years back. If you don't want to buy it, a guy on YouTube called Warbosstae has a video review of it where you can browse the entire book, so take a gander. He also has several useful High Elf painting tutorials and videos =