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 Post subject: Adepticon 2011 - April 1-3, 2011 in Chicago, IL
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:21 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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The Countdown Has Begun . . .

It’s time to mark your calendar and start making travel plans, because on April 1st, 2011, AdeptiCon will return to the Chicagoland area for our NINTH year of miniature wargaming excitement! Once again, the Westin Lombard Yorktown Center will be hosting AdeptiCon, providing a home for the one weekend that brings together those of us who are passionate about the miniature wargaming hobby.

Last year over 1200 hobbyists took part in the fellowship, excitement, and enthusiasm that has earned AdeptiCon its reputation as the “can’t miss” event of the year for the miniature wargamers across the country and the globe. We brought back our traditional Games Workshop favorites, and expanded our lineup of events to include new core gaming systems, such as Privateer Press’s Warmachine and Hordes, and Battlefront’s Flames of War. You can expect all of our core gaming systems to return, with a lineup of both traditional AdeptiCon signature events as well as new, exciting challenges.

Registration will begin this fall, so stay tuned for more updates!

For Gamers, By Gamers

Four nine years, our motto, “For Gamers, By Gamers” has guided what we do and how we do it. Our dedicated staff of volunteers are the engine that drives AdeptiCon and have made it the premier event in the miniature wargaming hobby. Volunteers are absolutely critical to the making AdeptiCon a success and supporting and building the hobby in general. If you can come in a little earlier, or stay a little later, or give us one day over the weekend, you can help us make sure that AdeptiCon lives up to the standard of excellence that we’ve built and give a little bit back to the hobby that we all love and enjoy.

If you want to volunteer, or just want to find out more about what volunteering entails, email us at with the following information: Name, Email, Phone Number, Group(s) You’re Interested In

Here are the ways you can help make AdeptiCon a success:

Event Staff (Registration, Tournaments, Demos, other Events)

Our event staff help run all of our events, from one hour demos with four or five players, to the massive 440 person AdeptiCon 40K National Team Tournament. They also staff our registration table, take pictures and do everything needed to make sure that events run as smoothly as possible. If you’re interested in working as part of our event staff, be sure to let us know which day(s) during the weekend that you’re available to work.

Operations (Setup and Breakdown)

Our operations staff come in a little bit earlier and/or stay a little bit later, and do the behind-the-scenes work of setting up and breaking down the terrain for our gaming tables, unpacking the legendary AdeptiCon “swag”, and much more. If you’re interested in working as part of our operations staff, let us know if you can come early, leave later, or both!

Terrain Building

Thanks to our Terrain Building team, AdeptiCon’s terrain has become well known for a standard of excellence not usually seen at independent conventions. This team does the entirety of their work before the convetion, and you must be able to get to our terrain building headquarters (for the past two years, Capitol City Games in Springfield, IL) for terrain building days.


Our communications and marketing team helps spread the word about AdeptiCon. We’re looking for people who have a strong online presence, especially within their respective gaming communities. News releases go out every few weeks, and our communications/marketing team are the ones who distribute them. There’s a lot to do, but we spread it out over a long period of time. Best of all, like the Terrain Building team, our job is done once the weekend starts! You can be a part of our communications and marketing team from anywhere!

If you want to volunteer, or just want to find out more about what volunteering entails, email us at with the following information: Name, Email, Phone Number, Group(s) You’re Interested In

PodHammer Coming to AdeptiCon 2011

PodHammer, one of the premier Warhammer Fantasy podcasts will be making the trip to AdeptiCon in 2011. To help finance the trip from Down Under, PodHammer will be running a marathon the entire weekend of July 8th! Check out their special Warhammer 8th Edition marathon page at:

All of the Podhammer regulars will be there, including Matt Cole, Dave Palmer and a special call in from Kendall live from New York! aswell as call ins from other special guests from around the world! and best of all you can call in and be part of Podhammer history! Prizes, games and other nonsense will going on all weekend!

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 Post subject: Re: Adepticon 2011 - April 1-3, 2011 in Chicago, IL
PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:24 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:33 pm
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AdeptiCon 2011 Online Registration Now Open!
Our new and improved online registration system is now up and running at, and AdeptiCon 2011 attendees are already reserving their spots for the premier miniature wargaming event of 2011.

Last year over 1300 hobbyists took part in making AdeptiCon the standard by which all miniature wargaming conventions are judged. As always, we’re not content to simply rest on our laurels. This year, we’re adding and developing our events to make sure that when you attend AdeptiCon 2011 you have the most memorable experience possible.

No matter which game system you prefer, AdeptiCon 2011 features something for almost everyone. Our schedule is filled with tournaments, demos, open games, seminars, and many other exciting events. Attendees will be able to shop our vendor hall, talk to our VIP guests, and take part in the action throughout the AdeptiCon weekend.

Event Hard Limits
Don’t delay! Sign up today to reserve your spot at AdeptiCon 2011. Last year, many popular events filled up well before the end of online registration, and this year will likely be no different. In addition, due to our expansion, our AdeptiCon 2011 event slots are HARD LIMITS. In the past we have had the flexibility to add slots as events were filled. This year, we WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ADD ADDITIONAL SLOTS. Once events are sold out, NO MORE WILL BE ADDED! Don’t be left out – sign up today!

Make Your Hotel Reservations Today!
You can also reserve your hotel rooms at the Westin Lombard Yorktown Center, which will be hosting AdeptiCon for the third straight year. AdeptiCon attendees are eligible for the convention rate of $109.00 per night.

For Gamers, By Gamers
For nine years, our motto, “For Gamers, By Gamers” has guided what we do and how we do it. Our dedicated staff of volunteers are the engine that drives AdeptiCon and have made it the premier event in the miniature wargaming hobby. Volunteers are absolutely critical to the making AdeptiCon a success and supporting and building the hobby in general. If you can come in a little earlier, or stay a little later, or give us one day over the weekend, you can help us make sure that AdeptiCon lives up to the standard of excellence that we’ve built and give a little bit back to the hobby that we all love and enjoy.

Here are the ways you can help make AdeptiCon a success:
Event Staff (Registration, Tournaments, Demos, other Events)
Our event staff help run all of our events, from one hour demos with four or five players, to the massive 440 person AdeptiCon 40K National Team Tournament. They also staff our registration table, take pictures and do everything needed to make sure that events run as smoothly as possible. If you’re interested in working as part of our event staff, be sure to let us know which day(s) during the weekend that you’re available to work.

Operations (Setup and Breakdown)
Our operations staff come in a little bit earlier and/or stay a little bit later, and do the behind-the-scenes work of setting up and breaking down the terrain for our gaming tables, unpacking the legendary AdeptiCon “swag”, and much more. If you’re interested in working as part of our operations staff, let us know if you can come early, leave later, or both!

Terrain Building
Thanks to our Terrain Building team, AdeptiCon’s terrain has become well known for a standard of excellence not usually seen at independent conventions. This team does the entirety of their work before the convention, and you must be able to get to our terrain building headquarters (for the past two years, Capitol City Games in Springfield, IL) for terrain building days.

Our communications and marketing team helps spread the word about AdeptiCon. We’re looking for people who have a strong online presence, especially within their respective gaming communities. News releases go out every few weeks, and our communications/marketing team distributes them. There’s a lot to do, but we spread it out over a long period of time. Best of all, like the Terrain Building team, our job is done once the weekend starts! You can be a part of our communications and marketing team from anywhere!

If you want to volunteer, or just want to find out more about what volunteering entails, email us at with the following information:
Phone Number
Team(s) You’re Interested In

AdeptiCon 2011 Sponsor Highlight – Geek Nation Tours
For those of you travelling from distant (or not-so-distant) lands to take part in the glorious thing that is AdeptiCon 2011 - Geek Nation Tours has a great tour package that not only has loads of extras but also includes guaranteed registration until November 5th. Check them out at:

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 Post subject: Re: Adepticon 2011 - April 1-3, 2011 in Chicago, IL
PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:25 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:33 pm
Posts: 510
Location: Chicago, IL USA
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Registration for AdeptiCon 2011 Smashing Records!
Registration for AdeptiCon 2011 is smashing our previous records! Miniature wargaming hobbyists across the country and the world are reserving their place at 2011's premier miniature wargaming event. Attendees are registering for event and seminar tickets faster than we've ever seen. Don't miss out on your chance to take part - register online today at

Over 400 people have already reserved their AdeptiCon 2011 weekend badges. Remember, only the first 1000 attendees who purchase a weekend badge will be guaranteed to receive our famous AdeptiCon swag bag. Over 170+ players have already signed up for the Warhammer 40K Championships, and over 70+ teams of four have signed up for the Warhammer 40K Team Tournament! Teams from as far away as the UK and Sweden are making their plans to attend AdeptiCon 2011...are you?
Sign up today!

Want to Win $10,000.00?
AdeptiCon 2011 is teaming up with the gang over at CoolMiniOrNot to feature the Crystal Brush 2011 Awards at AdeptiCon 2011. Here's your chance to compete for unheard-of cash prizes: $10,000 for first place, $2,000 for second, and $1,000 for third.

Find out the rules and other details about this amazing competition at the Crystal Brush website:

Make Your Hotel Reservations Today!
You can also reserve your hotel rooms at the Westin Lombard Yorktown Center, which will be hosting AdeptiCon for the third straight year. AdeptiCon attendees are eligible for the convention rate of $109.00 per night.

Join Our Mailing List! Win Free Swag!
Want to win some free swag? Of course you do! From now until AdeptiCon, we'll be raffling off a variety of prizes! How do you enter, you ask? Well, we'll pick a lucky winner each month from our e-mail list, and mail your prize out to you.

You can join our e-mail list by visiting our website, and filling out the form on the left side of the page, right underneath the menu.

AdeptiCon 2011 NewsWin the 40K Championships and Geek it Out with Geek Nation Tours!
We told you in our last e-mail how AdeptiCon Sponsor Geek Nation Tours is sponsoring AdeptiCon 2011 tour packages for those coming in from out of town. Well, that's not all that Geek Nation is doing for AdeptiCon! In case you needed more motivation to sign up for the Warhammer 40K Championships, this year's Warhammer 40K Championships Warmaster will receive a spot on one of the following Geek Nation Tours packages:
*The Battlefield of Waterloo
*The Battlefields of the Civil War
*Mexican Gaming Holiday
*Geeking Out at AdeptiCon 2012 Tour
*Uber-Geeking Out at the Essen Spiel in Germany
*Geeking Out with Wargaming at Sea
*Geeking Out with Miniatures in the UK
*Geeking Out at the San Diego Comic Con

Find out more about Geek Nation Tours at their website:

And sign up today to reserve your spot in the Warhammer 40K Championships at:

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