The One Ring |
Main Polish WotR Event: Mitril Wars II April |
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Author: | BlackMist [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:01 am ] |
Post subject: | Main Polish WotR Event: Mitril Wars II April |
Hi... MITRIL WARS – 16/17th April 2010 Venue: Primary School 343 in Imielina, Kopcinskiego 7 Street, Warsaw, Poland The event is a premier Polish War of the Ring Event. If you are interested in attending the biggest WotR tournament of the year in Poland, keep reading on. Along with the tournament you will also be visiting the country’s capital, so you will have a chance to eat Polish food and see the tourist attractions Tickets: 30zl per team (£8) I. General Information: 1. Mitril Wars is a doubles tournament. You will be required to team up with a partner and each of you will bring a 1500 points army, one Good and one Evil 2. To register your interest you must send names of both players, place they come from and both armylists to Armylists must be sent in a format .txt, .doc or .docx 3. Tournament is limited to 20 teams II. Battlefield: 1. You will play on tables with dimensions of 72” x 48” 2. Each terrain piece will be explained before the event starts, ie. You will know exactly its capacity and the movement modifier it provides III. Army Aesthetics: 1. All models and movement trays must be fully painted and based 2. All models must follow the “What You See Is What You Get” rule, ie. All equipment must be shown on the models. Any queries for exceptions must be submitted to the organisers before the tournament starts IV. Army Composition: 1. Army is created following the basic rules laid out in the rulebook on pages 84-86 with the exceptions listed below: 2. You may not ally Good and Evil 3. The total Magic Mastery level in your army may not be higher than 7 4. You may spend a maximum of 750 points for Epic Heroes 5. You may not include more than 2 models with the Counsellor special rule 6. The number of allied companies may not be higher than that of companies from the main army 7. The following heroes are a 0-1 choice, ie. By including one of them, you may not include the others: -Evil: Khamul Gothmog Druzhag * Durburz * Thrydan Wolfsbane * - Druzhag and Durburz may be taken together if there are no allies to to the Moria army In addition in the Evil Army you may pick only one of the following choices: 1 Dragon 1 Balrog 1-2 Mumaks (ie. You may not have Dragon and Balrog or Mumak and Dragon) Gorgoroth Horde Battlehost may NOT be used -Good: Thranduil * Haldir, Guardian of Lorien * Faramir ** Eomer Isildur ** * Haldir and Thranduil may be included in the Elves army if there are no allies other than Forgotten Realms ** Faramir and Isildur may be included in the Gondor & Arnor army if there are no allies other than Forgotten Realms V. Victory: 1. To win the tournament your team must accumulate the highest number of Victory Points (VP) of all teams 2. VPs are awarded for the difference in ‘small points’ in scenarios. The following results are possible (mp = scenario points): 0-99mp - 10:10 100-199mp - 11:9 200-299mp - 12:8 300-399mp - 13:7 400-499mp - 14:6 500-599mp - 15:5 600-699mp - 16:4 700-799mp - 17:3 800-899mp - 18:2 900-999mp - 19:1 1000mp - 20:0 VI. Schedule: Saturday 10.00 - 10.20 Registration 10.30 - 13.00 1st Battle 13.15 - 15.45 2nd Battle 15.45 - 16.15 Lunch/Dinner break 16. 15 - 18.45 3rd Battle Sunday: 9.30 - 11.00 4th Battle 11.15 - 13.45 5th Battle 14. 15 Awards Ceremony VII. SCENARIOS 1. You will play 5 Battles – 3 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday 2. Each Battle will be played 8 turns or 2 hours and 30 minutes (whichever comes first). The first 30 minutes you may use for deployment, terrain set up and checking opponent’s armylist 3. In the first round teams will be drawn randomly against each other 4. The deployment zone is listed in each scenario 5. Before the game begins players roll a D6, whoever rolls higher gets to choose who sets up first 1st Round – High Ground Scenario is defined on page 77 of the Rulebook Set up within 8” of the longer board edge. Points: - For controlling the main terrain piece you gain 600mp - For killing 50% or more of enemy companies you gain 200mp - For not losing 50% or more of your own companies you gain 200mp 2nd Round – Kill the King You must kill enemy General: Set up: Maelstorm of Battle Points: - For killing enemy General you gain 500mp - For killing him in a duel with your own general or by the formation led by your general you gain 200mp - For surviving with your general you gain 300mp 3rd Round – Seize The Prize Scenario is defined on page 78 of the Rulebook. Set up within 8” of the longer table edge Points: - Each objective is worth 200mp 4th Round – Breakthrough The objective is to infiltrate enemy army while denying that to your opponent. If your formation touches the opposing table edge it counts as having left the table and may not return – remove it from the game. For every company that infiltrates you gain 50mp. Your general is worth 150mp. Each Epic Hero is worth 75mp. Highest difference in points can be 1000mp. Special Rule: Ambushers may only be deployed in your own half of the table Set up: within 12” of the shorter table edge 5th Round – Domination Objective is to control terrain pieces in the same manner as in High Ground, however there are 4 pieces and these are rewarded in the following manner: - For controlling your own objective you gain 100mp - For controlling your opponent’s objective you gain 500mp - For controlling each of the other 2 objectives you gain 200mp Deployment Zone: Choose a table quarter – you may deploy anywhere in that quarter. TOURNAMENT HOUSE RULES: During the tournament the following rules will be in use: - Khamul may not put hits on enemy formations with his special rule - Councellor may only use 1 Might point on another Councellor in a single turn - Overlord rule does not affect formations without a her - Epic Strike only grants +1 Fight Value boost OR brings back Fight to the original after it has been decreased by another rule (such as Black Breath or Terror). If you have any questions, post them here and I will try to forward them to the organisers and respond as soon as I can. Cheers, BlackMist |
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