The One Ring

Chicago Bilbo's Birthday Bash help
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Apr 12, 2014 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Chicago Bilbo's Birthday Bash help

Hi guys. Anyone in the Chicagoland area.....were looking for as many Hobbit players possible to host this years event.

This will be an all day event more than likely on a Saturday in November, but we need people to sign up, or it wont be able to happen! Sign up fee will be like $50 and there will be a small gift bag, and I assume prizes for winners.

If any of you know anyone who went to Adepticon, one of the players there (Brent) usually runs in, but unless we get more support this year, it will be canceled.

Please RSVP with me and I will get the word through.

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