The One Ring

Main color scheme for a gameboard!!!
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Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Main color scheme for a gameboard!!!

Hey all,

i'm going to be building an 8 by 4 foot board and i was wondering what color should i use for the main board.
the board's going to be polystyrene and i'm going to paint a base coat of white on it.

what color should i use for a meadowy type of board

i want the color to be like this ... 26&start=4

is the color tan? i don't know but i see that a lot of it is flocked

thanks for your comments

Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:00 am ]
Post subject: 

also if any of you own a war of the ring book on page 250, the isen battle page, that is my inspiration

if you have any tips on flocking and the base coat of the board please reply to me


Author:  Brownboot [ Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Go to the Hardware Store paint section, look around for remnants or throw aways... these are basically botched paint colors. The odds of you finding white, cream and beige are VERY good :P; lets face it they get used a lot on houses. Odds are you'll be overbuying the volume you need but you'll be able to paint up any terrain you build to match quickly and I'm sure you're aware of all the advantages of using latex for terrain.

You can mix whatever you find together in varying amounts to get the desired effect as well as some tints and shades for drybrushing. You really can't go wrong, whatever colors you end up with will mix together to form some sort of chromatic grey.

If you're not feeling adventurous you can have a quart mixed to be your base color...

When you do Static Grass be sure you don't apply it evenly. Sponge on the glue if possible so you get some nice natural shapes and patterns, and just as if you were painting be sure to rotate the sponge once in a while.

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