The One Ring

Reversible Gaming Board
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Author:  perry_pug [ Thu May 03, 2012 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Reversible Gaming Board

I'm planning on making an 8"x6" modular gaming board out of extruded polystyrene in 2"x2" sections (40mm thick) and I had the idea of making it reversible.

I was thinking about doing a moria/mordor wasteland effect on one side and grassy plains on the other side. Do you guys think that would work? Has anybody done this before?

I intend to use plenty of vanish to seal the flock but am wondering if it will last after quite a bit of usage when underneath.

Author:  Linus [ Thu May 03, 2012 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reversible Gaming Board

Well I have a similar project going on, however mine is based on a pinboard that someone was going to throw away (so it's rather small for a board, but seeing as this is my first boardbuilding project and it was free, I didn't mind). One side was a bit like wood and the other had a sort of white fur/fabric on it (it's hard to describe). So what I did was paint the fabricside green so it resembled grass. On the other side I used grey and added some sand and some tiles made of a cereal box. That side should become an city environment eventually, some osgiliath-like.

If you think the flock will come off, you might want to use a grassmat on one side (and just glue it on). Or you can make small borders on the side (like my pinboard has) or some kind of small rise in the corners so when its turned over, it rests on these corners rather than on the whole board and the flock. I'm sure someone can come up with an idea to camouflage these rises as a hill or rocks or something. But as I said, I'm new to this :)

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Thu May 03, 2012 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reversible Gaming Board

Do you guys think that would work? Has anybody done this before?

I saw a very nice table at a game shop that was done that way. I was thinking about it my self. I do not have a photo :sad: But I will take one some time this week end and post it! The table was made so that you could switch the surface from top to bottom and over and under so that you could have four tables in one. It also was a passable piece of furniture.

I was mistaken, I do have a photo. It is not detailed for a plain but you can see the different top and bottom boards.
The boards are supported by the edge of the table and can be easily changed or flipped over. You can see the urban board on the bottom. You can see enough of the construction details to have some ideas of how to build your own.

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