The One Ring

My Ruined Fieldstone Tower
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Author:  simmuskhan [ Wed May 08, 2013 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  My Ruined Fieldstone Tower

Hi all,
Long time, no post, busy life and even busier project. My Hirst Arts Ruined Fieldstone Tower took ages to build but was GREAT GREAT fun!
Lots more pics and WIP on the blog, but I really enjoyed the process and think that this is a great addition to my table top, much nicer than some of the stuff I tried to do by myself from scratch.
Now I'm working on the sort of Weathertop brick model that Hirst makes, but it'll be a while yet!
Any advice to help me get better accepted =)

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Wed May 08, 2013 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Ruined Fieldstone Tower

Very good work. 8)
I am working on 2 of the new Inns and Durin's Stair. Mike is casting at his house and we are doing the glue up at mine.Working as a team makes the process much faster.
Please post more photos as you go!

Author:  Bilbo [ Wed May 08, 2013 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Ruined Fieldstone Tower

This is something that I have very much over looked. I like the idea that you can potentially make endless models with varying adaptions. Are there any London or West Kent stockists? Some of the model projects in particularly the "Castle used for independent film" are enormously inspiring!

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