N00bie_Boy wrote:
I want to make a good-looking scenery for a battle in the wilderness with maybe some scattered ruins, but I am on a strict budget of $50. Any ideas? I'm saving up for the RoBG later.
Trees and hedges
AC/heater filter, green spray paint and brown craft paint. Filter and paint at Walmart about $10
Cheep hair spray and bamboo skewers at the Dollar store $2
Medium green blend Woodland Scenic flock from hobby store large shaker bottle $8

If you can get saw dust free you can make your own flock for the cost of the green paint, $1

Cut the filters into star shapes for pines or round shapes for regular trees.

Use the cheep spray paint to color the filter. Hair spray can be used to attach the flocking.

I used an old pizza box and painted and flocked the filter before I attached the filter to the dowel rods.
Table cover.
Try to find an cheep green table cloth like the sell at Christmas time. I have seen them for as little as $1. You can buy felt. That could be a budget buster. Canvas drop cloths are also good.You can paint them with spray paint. You can even flock them if you use fabric glue.
Hills and ruins can be made from Styrofoam scrap. Try to use the pink or blue brands. Use water based paint. Solvents melt Styrofoam. A 2" X 4' X 8" sheet of pink foam cost $35 . A 1/2" X 4' X 8' cost about 1/2 that. The white foam used for packing will work but is too soft. You do not have to have anything special to cut foam a bread knife will work.
Sand as flock.
Sand is free but so is saw dust. Sand will turn a hill or table into a giant emery board. Use saw dust if you can find some. Attach sand or saw dust with white glue.
The are lots of things you can get free more than I can list.
Hope this helps.