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 Post subject: 1' by 1' square game board
PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2014 6:45 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:44 pm
Posts: 10
Hey guys :) As you can see from the title Im hoping to start building my game table(s)! I have many great ideas. Each table is going to be a different section or location from the Lotr and Hobbit lore. Such as Rivendell, Hobbiton, Bree and Dale. I need some help though as I've never built anything like ever... The tables are going to be built from 1' by 1' squares of wood stuff :P that take up a 6' by 4' table. I just don't know how to go about starting the project and what I need and what I should build first. Can anyone help? Would be greatly appreciated :) Cheers!
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 Post subject: Re: 1' by 1' square game board
PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:10 am 
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Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:08 pm
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Start simple and build up from there. The first ones I'd make would be simple grass squares. 4 of them so you can get a 24x24 board. Then maybe make a hill or a river section. The trick with rivers is to make sure the rivers exit the tile at the same spot so you can line them up with other boards.

Good luck.

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 Post subject: Re: 1' by 1' square game board
PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:36 am 
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Joined: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:13 am
Posts: 316
I just did a year 8 school project in which I made a 4x4 Mordor board. Use MDF as your solid, base material. Most people then chose to use styrofoam, but if this is too expensive polysterene isn't too bad. I personally used paper mach. Once you've got the basic shape of the land then glue on your sand and paint it and then finally small details such as trees, grasses and rocks etc.

Don't click on this link!!!! Giddings
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 Post subject: Re: 1' by 1' square game board
PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:03 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:44 pm
Posts: 10
Thanks guys :) I plan on doing a series on Youtube (hopefully) Of basically from the start of the trilogy to the end as a huge campaign. Theres going to be a slight spin on things though. Such as the famous scene where Boromir bites it.. What if he didn't bite it?.. So basically its going to be a huge campaign in which I play all the battles and help the fellowship on their adventure. Does it sound like a good idea?
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 Post subject: Re: 1' by 1' square game board
PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:31 am 
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Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 3:17 am
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It sounds like a great idea 8) ...but it does require a lot of terrain building and model painting. Depending on the scenarios you want to play (and how your story unfolds), you'd need a Shire board (or a generic forest board), a river board (with optional ferry & jetty), barrows, Weathertop ruins, the West gate of Moria, Balin's tomb, Dwarrowdelf & bridge of Khazad-dûm, a Lothlorien board, Amon Hen board, Zirak-zigil tower top, Emyn Muil board, Dead Marshes board, Meduseld, Helm's Deep, Isengard, Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Pelargir, Fangorn (your generic forest board could be used, too), Mirkwood (generic forest board again), Erebor & Dale ruins, Ithilien board, Shelob's lair, Tower of Cirith Ungol, Mordor board, the Black Gate, Grond and a couple of corsair ships. And lots of figures...

Looking forward to following your videos, should you carry on with the campaign plans...
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