Reading Songfist's WIP thread about Laketown and looking for accessories made me think about that there has to be a cheaper way of adding detail to buildings.
Went to a local hobby store and bought a length of bass wood that seemed to be about the right height and width (for under $1.25) for what I had in mind - making a crate.
Cut off a length, scored it with the back of a x-acto blade, added some toothpick framing, painted it with Vallejo Old Wood, added some Army Painter Shade and had it done in less than 10 minutes.

Vary the length and different framing and you have some crates to make a barricade or add to a storehouse.
Update - thought the old wood paint and shade was too dark, went with a tan craft paint and the shade instead. Whole process I did in batches, cutting the rest of the strip of board up into various lengths, stacked a couple for more box vs crate look, scored, added toothpick framing, painted and shaded. Made 29 crates out of my two foot length of bass wood - not bad.

With the unfinished Rohan militia