The One Ring

Dwarf terrian
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Author:  Hutchie [ Tue Jan 02, 2018 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Dwarf terrian

Can anyone help with dwarf terrain ideas? I was thinking about a ranger camp set up. Does anyone know of what tents they would use? I was thinking viking style tents or is there a standard design in middle earth?

My other idea was an outpost. Any suggestions

Author:  Mapper [ Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf terrian

Not sure on tents, personally I would go with a dwarf outpost. I have always thought about doing something like this: - simple rock background, walls and a door going into the rocks. Something I imagine being along the dwarf trading routes. Can be as fancy or plain as you want - warhammer dwarf bits work well as decorations as they are oversized next to the lotr range, could also get a gimli chess piece for a statue if you want.

Depends on what material you are use to working with and how much you want to put into it. Bark rocks, etched foam board walls and floor, etc, but whatever you choose, be sure to share what you are working on!

Author:  Erunion [ Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf terrian

Mine entrances, large stone structures (statues & pillars) would be my go to.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dwarf terrian

I don't see why Dwarves can't have tents. Just because Thorin's company are too lazy to pitch one doesn't mean anything. Mr. Baggins would've loved a nice tent, I'm sure. After all, they were a wandering, displaced people after the fall of Erebor. Drar and Murin are also famous wanderers. Even the prissy elves tented it up. If you want viking tents, I'd purchase the ones from Yes, they are very simple buildings, but if you embellish them, they are great. I think I'd glue some fabric on the tents, some nice canvas or burlap or something other than the wood they come with. Be sure to pick up the campfire piece from ebay to flesh out your camp.

That fortress is deceptively easy to build. The Celtic trim is probably moulding for houses. If not, find a pattern you like and cut it out of styrine or cardstock and mount to cardboard or wood. Buy or build yourself a nice door. (Thomarillion sells lots of nice metal doors.) The rock is just plaster cloth over a shell, you can watch videos at Woodland Scenics' website for how to do this.

Whatever you choose to build, have fun doing it!

Oops, I lied. The rock is insulation foam chunks, but I'd use plaster cloth anyway. I have a thing for plaster.

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