The One Ring

sticks and stones
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Author:  Mapper [ Sat Jul 21, 2018 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  sticks and stones

Went to a neighborhood yard sale last week and got a bag of woodland scenics trees (some put together, another dozen still on spruces), foliage clusters and assorted other products for free - no one else knew what to do with them

The majority of the trees had the clusters stuck on them, but not sealed very well as they tended to shed when moved.


As it was a nice day, I took them outside and started tearing the foliage off.


Decided I liked them like that so went to the hardware store and bought a box of fender washers to use as bases. Tore the foliage clumps off the rest of the trees, put together the other trees where I painted them brown, dry brushed some green on them and as I was basing all the trees, scattered some of the base material on the "dead trees". Glued the trees to the washers, covered with a forest blend that I had got at a train show, soaked the bases in glue to hold the blend down and covered everything with hair spray to hopefully hold it all together.

Now have 56 trees of various sizes.



Put Bolg in the trees and decided the next army I paint will be Hunter Orcs.



Author:  Turgon_Seven [ Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Woodland Scenic trees

That's looking great Mapper! Very nice

Author:  Mapper [ Sat Nov 13, 2021 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  sticks and stones

Or more accurately, trees and rocks.

I'll start off with the rocks. Taking out my box of rocks (yes, I have a box of rocks) I dry-brushed them to a standard look and glued them down to a piece of mdf. Added some vegetation and have a pass through what looks like impassible terrain.



The trees are woodland scenic trees that I had gotten free at a neighborhood yard sale. I had taken off the heavy tufts on them and kept some as just bare dead-looking trees. I had bought some grass mats from Michael's that tended to shed their grass if you looked at them wrong. (sorry, Voyager360 for suggesting them). I rubbed the mats to get the material off and glued them onto the bare trees. With a spray of glue they seem to be holding better than they did on the mats.




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