The One Ring

1500pts of Harad (forgotten Realms)
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Author:  Time of Madness [ Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  1500pts of Harad (forgotten Realms)

Trying for a themed list based on Harad.




Haradrim Warband (4 Companies)
- Chieftain
- Taskmaster
- Hashrain
- Banner Bearer

Haradrim Warband (2 companies)
- Bows

Haradrim Warband (2 companies)
- Bows

Haradrim Raiders (3 companies)
- Chieftan

Haradrim Raiders (3 companies)
- Chieftan


War Mumak

War Mumak


Abrakhan Guard (4 companies)

TOTAL POINTS = 1500pts

The main block and the Abrakhan guard will give me a couple of nice anvil units while the mumaks and the raiders take care of business.
Time of Madness

Author:  Enfid [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Looks pretty good as a themed army. Ofcourse, some people would think that the only Harad infantry that's worth it is the archers, but I, like you, wanted to make a themed Harad army so the normal infantry is needed.

How do you find the Hasharin (SP?) I found him a bit too expensive at times where he just roll a 5 or 6 and kill himself while taking with him about 12 points worth of models. On the other hand, there are times where he will single handedly kill an Ent or Troll. So now, I'm a bit on the fence on whether to use him or not.

Also, how do you find Mumakil? I'm planning on using them mostly to secure one flank while having them away from the main battleline to minimize damage to myself, but I'm not sure if it's effective or not.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Sat Nov 14, 2009 1:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like the full, themed Harad army. 8)

As for the Mumuk, probably prudent to keep him from the main force to minimize surprises, but those things are a beast. I expect to be playing AGAINST one soon in our WotR Tale of Games. :o I think it's going to rip me up pretty good, and that's just one. You're talking about having two on the table.

The amount of damage that they cause in a Fight against everyone involved is really vicious. It really makes you want to just sit back and shoot at them with a massive amount of bows or siege weapons and that takes those out of the role of attacking the rest of your Harad army.

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