The One Ring

Help with expanding my Mordor
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Author:  edonil [ Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with expanding my Mordor

So, I'm at a bit of a crossroads with my Mordor army. I have a couple ideas in mind for ways to hit 1500 points and to do so effectively (I could do it right now by using the Necromancer, but that's a bit more of a gimmick list than I'd prefer). The army as a whole is an infantry based force led by Gothmog, The Tainted and the Dark Marshal, with an allied unit of Morgul Knights for my heavy cavalry. Now, the two options I'm leaning towards are adding three companies of Black Guard, or two companies of Castellans of Dol Goldur. Does anyone have any advice on which way to take the list? I'm asking because, in the end, to get the models I want to use for either, it will cost me the same amount (eight blisters a piece, the blisters are the same price). What do you guys think?

Author:  Keithio the Green [ Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

If your army is all about getting to the enemy quickly then Black Guard of Barad-dur, since they can at the double because they can have a hero in. When comparing stats aswell I can see that the Castellans are higher strength, but this is overridden by the Black Guards Beserk rule.

It really does depend on which one will complement your army more, but if it was me I would choose Black Guard any day.

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