The One Ring

Is Gandalf any good?
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Author:  cookluke5150 [ Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Is Gandalf any good?

My son and I just played a game on the fields outside Helms Deep. I choose Rohan plus Gandalf and the 3 Hunters. Gandalf only seemed useful vs a Ringwraith on Fell beast. What else is he good for, his spells seem to not be very good. What spells are useful vs hoards of Urakai? Also, my son and I decieded to scrap the Panic Table, too much rolling on top of all the other rolling to hits. It seems that the courage never comes into play because it is easy to pass courage tests. What are you guys thoughts on this? Are we eliminating an important part of the game?


Author:  TheDarkLordOfMordor1 [ Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Gandalf any good?

Gandalf is definatly better than saruman. If you are using Gandalf the white profile i can tell you what he could be good against. Little suprised he only has 1 attack but he is still a good model.

The command/compel power can be used to force a valuable nemy hero/warrior into one of your models that can defeat them easily, which your enemy would normally avoid getting into combat with. Use this power to eliminate threats to your weaker troops.

Imoblize is good for attacking strong opponents like trolls who have alot of attacks. use this to reduce their attacks before charging them so that they are easier to take down.

Terrifying aura is good for fighting orcs with low courage becuase whenever an orc attempts to charge gandalf, they will most likely fail their courage test and flee.

Gandalf with Gamdring increases his strength to 5 and makes him a formidable opponent to fight. His stand fast rule is good for when nearby friendly models take a courage test when the force is broken. All models within 12 inches won't flee if Gandalf expends a might point (not sure as i have never used this rule before) and passes his courage test.

Author:  Ringil [ Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Gandalf any good?

He's on about war of the ring I believe.....'Fraid I can't help only played wotr a couple of times.

Author:  JamesR [ Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Gandalf any good?

If you look at the forum this is War of the Ring not SBG so Gandalf does not have the spells and specials you just mentioned. Also this post is 3 years old lol. Necromancing much? :rofl:

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Gandalf any good?

I was going to ask 'Is Gandalf any good' at what? Interior decorating? Ice skating? Which Gandalf and in what context - that is what we need to know.
Some of the thread titles are highly ambiguous which may be deterring some people from reading them as there are so many threads and posts it would simply be impossible to read all of them, unless you stay online around the clock...
And one other little irritation: typos happen to all of us, me included. but I do tend to go back and fix them (hence you guys get to see that some posts of mine have been edited). But there really is little or no excuse for bad spelling these days - if in any doubt, you can spell check in seconds, online or using Word or some other package.

Author:  Tezzy [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Gandalf any good?

I knew it! The Dark Lord of Mordor is the Necromancer! We must tell Gandalf XD

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Gandalf any good?

Though I had to alter my name slightly I am Gandalf to the core and I can tell you I am good, but at what is mystery.

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