The One Ring

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Author:  Hurin_it [ Tue May 14, 2024 4:31 am ]

As promised, the War of the Ring v2 is finally out.

This is a fan-made project that took a couple of years of development and involved an international team of players, reviewers and lore enthusiasts. This team tried to improve and update the game published 15 years ago by Games Workshop without altering his core mechanics. In particular, the work aimed on fixing the most obvious problems and unbalances, like epic actions, cost of formations, heroes abilities, Fates and Fortunes, just to name few. The book mirrors the original from GW, with the changes highlited in blue, for a quick comparison between “old” and “new”. We also introduced inside the text itself the few FAQs released by GW at the time, discarding the most nonsensical and the ones in conflict with the update. ... jpeg/file#

The book is plenty of new pictures and example to better explain some crucial mechanics, along with a lot of new troops and heroes from the Hobbit range and the newest Middle-earth releases with which improve your armies and game experience. It is impossible to reassume here all the improvements, so if you are looking for a more balanced and enjoyable mass-battle game in Middle-earth, just take a look!
With this we hope to revive interest both in the old guard who approached the game when the original book was published, that in potential new players coming from the Strategy Battle Game.

Link for direct download:

Book: ... n.pdf/file

Printable Quick Reference Sheet: ... t.pdf/file

Author:  Killerkatanas [ Wed May 15, 2024 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WAR OF THE RING 2ND EDITION


Once again, I congratulate you all for this accomplishment. I have a few questions about the army lists.

First, why were Azog, Bolg, the Gundabad Orcs and Berserkers included in the Misty Mountains lists while you have the Gundabad ogres and bats in the Angmar lists? Shouldn't these all be in one list or the other? Since Angmar was destroyed way before the event in LOTR, I would think they should all be in the Misty Mountains list.

Second, forgive me if I did not see them, but I did not see any stats for a few models, such as Anborn and Mablung, and Rosie Cotton and Gamgee. Are these going to be added?

Thank you.

Author:  Abersk_93 [ Thu May 16, 2024 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WAR OF THE RING 2ND EDITION

Killerkatanas wrote:
First, why were Azog, Bolg, the Gundabad Orcs and Berserkers included in the Misty Mountains lists while you have the Gundabad ogres and bats in the Angmar lists? Shouldn't these all be in one list or the other? Since Angmar was destroyed way before the event in LOTR, I would think they should all be in the Misty Mountains list.

They are all part of the Misty Mountains faction, there is a box in page 215 that explains that. We have included those into Angmar aswell because the faction was too weak with very few formations to choose from. We did not "duplicate" those profiles to save space.

Reconciling the appendices of the book, the hobbit trilogy and the balancing the various factions was indeed problematic. It is said that Angmar border extended to the valley of the upper Anduin, so it is not hard to immagine that mount Gundabad was under the Witch King jurisdiction. Otherwise, they may represent the trolls that fought for the Witch King coming from the mountains or from the region known as "the trollshaws".

Keep in mind that the original book from Games Workshop didn' t bother too much with the lore, in fact you can ally or deploy whatever character you like, with whatever faction you want, even if they are from different eras. For example you can deploy aragorn alongside his ancestor Arvedui without any problem. In the end we chose to remain as faithful as possible to the setting given by GW.

Killerkatanas wrote:
Second, forgive me if I did not see them, but I did not see any stats for a few models, such as Anborn and Mablung, and Rosie Cotton and Gamgee. Are these going to be added?

We have created almost every profile present in the SBG, but many were discarded during the process to keep the game simple. Minor characters like those quoted (and many others) were not included in the final draft, if you have those models just use them as captains.

Author:  Killerkatanas [ Fri May 17, 2024 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WAR OF THE RING 2ND EDITION

Abersk_93 wrote:
Keep in mind that the original book from Games Workshop didn' t bother too much with the lore, in fact you can ally or deploy whatever character you like, with whatever faction you want, even if they are from different eras. For example you can deploy aragorn alongside his ancestor Arvedui without any problem. In the end we chose to remain as faithful as possible to the setting given by GW.

I am very familiar with GW's lack of continuity with the rules. In fact, I created a thematic list back in 2012 to address the problem within my gaming group. We were playing at Brookhurst and the LA Bunker back then. Sometimes with games of 15,000 or more points a side.

Here are the lists I made.

Keep in mind that they have not been updated in a very long time, but they layout the different factions and the troop types that are allowed to be used in each of them depending on the age. There are a few units listed that have no stats.

I never got around to updating this, but anyone is welcomed to use it as a template.

BTW, this is a temporary listing. If anyone would like to upload this to a permanent site, please do so.


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