The One Ring

Ardboe's Project Log - Beastmen
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Author:  Ardboe [ Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Ardboe's Project Log - Beastmen

Hi all,

Well my lovely wife got me a pile of Beastmen last Christmas and with the next one approaching I realised Its about time I got my ass into gear and did some painting! Hopefully creating this log will keep me motivated, so here is my first completed unit, speed painted to get it to a gaming standard.




Now with that done here is a test model for the Bestigors, you might need to tilt your head slightly for this one!


Well that's all for now I have 19 more besties to go for this unit,so there'll be more to follow shortly. Please feel free to leave feedback, Im particularly keen to here the experiences of other Beastmen generals as I battle to get this army ready for QCON in Belfast in June!


Author:  Lays [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ardboe's Project Log - Beastmen

Looking good! I like the flesh skin from the bannerbearer

And for the battle I would suggest a wargor with BSB, for the rerolls of leadership tests.. and the beast banner is a nice addition to it. How many points is the battle?

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